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I was watching Revenger on netflix and he reminded me of myself

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the main protagonist I mean and how he dealt with his situation on the prison island. just like him they kept haggling me, annoying me, asking me personal questions, and basically agitating me any chance they got or all day i felt constantly afitated in there. i am still early in the movie mind where he jsut ifnores them like they dont exist. walks around does his thing eats and doesnt even look at them or answer any stupid questions. where it is what are you here for or any other stupid shit like you have coffee or what do you have or why are you just sitting there none of their quesrions were worthwhile or worth answering to. imagine being in a place where you have to deal with this knowing you are superior to every single person around you (situation in corcoran satf refeption and valley state had like two people each somewhat on my level). i mean corcoran for sure was this way. i just pretended they didnt exist. also imagine being in there for something honorable or just for being a good fighter or knowing martial arts. this movie is literally was my life.
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Also I like how the movie shows him breaking glass on a fuys face and the. charging him with beer bootles. how do you guys know that just like luciano kevin markley was not an evil son of a bitch who got off terrorising or ounking people on his freetime when drunk? maybe i did a grewt job twice.
  3. #3
    HTS highlight reel
    wtf is with yr obsession with prison shit

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