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Why aren't there more open air markets in America?

  1. #81
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    moar plz this thread is entertaining.
  2. #82
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by GGG Child pageants and the like are disgusting, but they dont rape them. It isn't sexual for most people its just emulative. You only think its sexual because YOU feel its sexual.

    Idk why you want to make a distinction between kids and teens. You went to prison for trying to meet a 12 year old. That's a kid. Some girls haven't even hit puberty by that age yet. Fuck is wrong with you?

    The Greeks and Romans didn't seem to mind.
  3. #83
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by GGG Okay who has this dudes PI.

    He has tried 'many times' and said before he still wants to meet with children in the future.

    I hope you die a brutal, painful death. You are the scum of humanity and deserve nothing less than death by cheese grater. I would love to watch your chomo flesh stripped off your body as you writhed around bloody, throat strained at your screams for help.

    That is what you deserve you piece of shit.

    So, tell us how u really feel.
  4. #84
    toz African Astronaut
  5. #85
    toz African Astronaut
  6. #86
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat I started to think about our discussion last night ggg and it dawned on me that maybe there are many people and entire countries that dont agree with you or your views. Muslims for instance or muslim countries that penelize porn including both cp and any other porn equally. How do you explain that? Look at the indonesian laws for instance. And they are a country that used to have no penalization for any sort of porn and a major producer including most of the websites thomas reedy and landslide production/keyz used were indonesian. Russia i think is another country and culture that at this time had like 14 as the age of consent and a whole bunch of that type of porn came and comes from ther.e obviously if there is so much material and the laws so favorable where this one guy even got an eaely release from prison by their government or under yeltsin they are ok with it too and disagree wih your world views. So you may hate me all you want but in reality there are millions much worse or who have done much more and entire industries snd countries who find nothing wrong with it apparently as they dont penalize it much if at all. So what do you have to say about that? Are those cultured and countries inferior now because they are different to youre and your world view? The us even has a muslim senstor now ho apparently hates jedis so maybe their culture is beodming the norm in your culture soon eniugh anyway. No difference between porn they say it should all be equally banned and punished? I mean just ask yourself why only thomas reedy went down and none of the other countries arrested the actual producers or webmasters or the sites when he was just a fall guy or broker and why none of his employees were even arrested.


  7. #87
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Wariat give me your residential address I would like to warn your neighbors since Poland doesn't seem to have a sex offender registry.
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