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[Serious] What can be done about the Google/Youtube/ADL/SPLC/jhu monopoly over the internet?

  1. #1
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Before I begin I want to state that I can understand some of their reasoning, if they are to become the next major media platform akin to television then there needs to be some form of censorship to make it appealing to the masses and "appropriate" for children ... however the way they're approaching this is completely onesided, they're using the ADL to censor these platforms to silence any debate on the jewish question and ensure jewish supremacy over the media and the minds of the public.
    Whether you're leftist or not, you cannot ignore that there is a clear effort to censor the internet and prevent freedom of speech.
    Compare the web of the 90s and early 00s to today, back then people were free to say WHATEVER they wanted and there wasn't anyone to censor you (unless you pissed off a mod on a forum then you'll receive a warning or ban), now days they use algorithms and artificial intelligence to immediately recognize and prevent any dissident opinions or views from reaching public consciousness.
    This is absolutely intolerable and cannot be allowed.
    We are at a very crucial point in the history of the internet where the people either stand up and defend their rights or the tech monopolies will reduce the internet into a walled garden where jews decide what can and cannot be shared.
    For the first time in the history of the internet, we have reached a point of totalitarianism.
    People who the (((system))) opposes are stripped of their right to speech, silenced, they have their monetary systems( patreon and pay pal) removed from them, they're banned from the public square (social media) and put on lists where the judes use A.I. to psychologically profile and stalk them.
    This is fucking absurd and it has got to end, immediately.
    After all of this is over there will not be a google or youtube or facebook and none of the people involved in those companies will ever see the light of day again.
  2. #2
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    oh boy
  3. #3
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra oh boy

    Aldra ... don't be coy.
    They literally want to turn the internet into a sort of 1990s walmart where your cds have the curse words removed/bleeped and the only movies you can buy are either family oriented or PG-13.
  4. #4
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    We need another Nasim, at least a million of them.

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