2016-08-24 at 3:19 AM UTC
she didn't know there was a evil ceiling fan waiting for her on the ceiling. it turned on, that crak bitch got sucked up into the fan and got beat the the blades and tossed back out the window knocking a dog over.
and you know what to do?
2016-08-24 at 3:50 AM UTC
kill yourself? It's an acceptable answer to all life's problems including crack whores entering your home to be bludgeoned by your ceiling fan. Did the dog return to piss on her, thus marking his territory?
2016-08-24 at 3:59 AM UTC
That's pretty mean of you to let that happen to her. When I lived at a halfway house I had a Lady of the NIght come to my window and beckon me out. I was rather young and hormonal, so I obliged though it went against all the rules. Left through my window, went to her apartment complex a block away, had sexual relations, denied her offers of alcohol and marijuana, and returned to my room to see my window had been closed (by the night staff that checks our rooms periodically to make sure we're accounted for). Long story short I had to go in through the front door and admit that I had snuck out through my window (to get some fresh air). Took instant breathalyzer and UA of which I thankfully passed both. Talked to my case worker the following day about it, she didn't believe me, proceeded to kick me out, which proceeded to get me to move in with my friend and work at pizza hut and somehow suffer no consequences even though I was on probation and I was at the halfway house in lieu of jail. I have no fucking clue to this day how that worked out in my favor but it did. XD