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An American perspective on the JQ

  1. #1
    Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    Imagine you move into a brand new house with your family.
    Your family consists of about 30 people, meaning your siblings and their children as well as your parents are all living together.
    Now imagine you've been living in that house for generations, consisting of 100+ years.
    Imagine one day you're having a cookout when suddenly the doorbell rings and this greets you:

    "Hello my fellow neighbor! My name is shlomo shekelsteinberg. I couldn't help but notice from the sound coming from your house that you happened to be here so I thought I would stop by and inform you of this poor little couple and their child that are homeless down the street. You wouldn't mind taking them in for a couple days while I find a shelter for them to stay at would you? Of course you wouldn't! Thank you for your kindness!" (the jew always exploits the kindness and generosity of Europeans)

    You take one look at those poor niggers and decide to do the right thing and let them stay a few nights at your house.
    All is well, except a few weeks later Shlomo Shekelbergstein shows up again, this time with more homeless people.
    "Oy vey friendly neighbor! I couldn't help but notice this poor little family sick and homeless a few blocks down from your house. You wouldn't mind taking them in for a few nights now would you?"

    Being the kind and gentle Aryan you are, you take them in, because it's only for a few nights or a month, right?
    Well months and years pass by and the visitors are still at your house.
    Shlomo knocks on your door once again
    "Hello fellow neighbors! How are things going! I couldn't help but hear from your neighbors that there seems to be some issues going on in your house in regards to your visitors. May I step in?"
    Shlomo walks through your house, inspecting and observing ... he later decides to ask the father of the house to a private conversation:

    Shlomo: I have heard there have been some issues in your household lately in regards to your vistors
    Whiteman: Yes! They have destroyed the whole fucking interior, they shit everywhere, all of our furniture has been ruined and they're raping our daughters! This is a disaster!!! THEY MUST LEAVE NOW!
    Shlomo: No no no that won't do. You can't do that to those poor souls can you, you're not a racist are you?
    Shlomo: I have a solution. You need to learn to live peacefully with these people so I have sent you some dvds on how to change yourself to better accommodate your new household members.

    More months have passed except the father and most men of the household have left and moved to Japan.
    Now all that is left are the women, their rape babies and their emasculated homosxualized sons.
    Shlomo visits the house months later once more

    Shlomo: It appears that there are still some issues here.
    I believe the solution is that you should leave this house at once and allow the visitors to stay as long as they wish.
    It is the right thing to do and you woudln't want to be morally wrong now would you?

    The family couldn't stand to think of themselves as people who would mistreat or wrong poor little defenseless homeless savages so they pack their bags and plan to leave for the nearest hotel.
    As they're about to leave the house Lucy, the youngest of the family decides that enough is enough and she must take matters into her own hands, so she sneaks into her fathers former room, lifts the mattress off the bed and pulls out an AR-47 with the words "For my family and soil" written on it in white, she then proceeds to blast Shlomo's fucking face off and murder the invaders without mercy.
    The day is saved, the problem gone and the later after cleaning the house everyone moves back in and life returns to normal.
  2. #2
    WellHung Black Hole
    You have way too much internal energy to burn. You would be much more relaxed,happy, and at peace with yourself,if you were to start vigorously exercising regularly.
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