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Are drugs inherently traumatizing for children?

  1. #1
    Ghost Black Hole
    I feel like smoking weed would traumatize a child if they ever saw it. I don't know why but just the whole act of hitting a bong and coughing like crazy and then your eyes go all red would probably scare a small child.

    My parents used to smoke mad weed when I was growing up and also hard drugs so I can't tell if it's traumatizing for me or not.

    Also I've been around meth houses where there are tweekers hitting the glass dick in the living room in the middle of the day while there's a bunch of kids too young to even be in school in the house, in the same room and they pass the pipe around and the kids don't even really pay attention because they've probably seen it so many times. They probably aren't traumatized at that very instant but I imagine they become very fucked up kids later in life.
  2. #2
    HTS highlight reel
    I thought this was gonna be about giving drugs to kids at a young age. Everyone should have to drink ayahuasca before their first birthday.
  3. #3
    WellHung Black Hole
    I wouldn't think so unless the person started exhibiting negative behavior
  4. #4
    Solstice Naturally Camouflaged
    Who cares? Kids are stupid.
  5. #5
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    fuck the mindless brats.
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