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Things I gotta start doing...

  1. #1
    1) Sitting up straight/good posture.
    2) Taking my vitamins every day and eating right.
  2. #2
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    All that shit really doesn't matter. If you eat one good meal a day, which usually contains the required vitamins and nutrients, that's all the body really needs. You don't need good posture either; the only important thing is to not stay in the same position for too long, so that the entire body always stays in use, so the muscles don't atrophy and the circulatory system doesn't get jammed up. You could smoke cigarettes until you're 80 and still live a long and healthy life. Most of the "wise" things people have to tell you are nothing more than 100% pure bullshit. "You need to conform." "You need to do this shit." "You need to do that shit." "If you don't do this shit, that shit happens." I basically post like that sometimes just be deliberately cynical and create my own brand of satire, but the honest truth is, most people really don't know a shithole from a hole in the ground. They think they do, but they really don't. One day it's this, and the next day it's that. Humanity is mostly populated by know-it-all fools, and that's the tragic punchline of this particular story.
  3. #3
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I learned today that drinking hot coffee gives you cancer.
  4. #4
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
  5. #5
    I learned today that drinking hot coffee gives you cancer.

    Just saw that on the news myself. I think its something similar to the burnt steak causes cancer thing.
    I always liked iced coffee better anyways..
  6. #6
    All that shit really doesn't matter. If you eat one good meal a day, which usually contains the required vitamins and nutrients, that's all the body really needs. You don't need good posture either; the only important thing is to not stay in the same position for too long, so that the entire body always stays in use, so the muscles don't atrophy and the circulatory system doesn't get jammed up. You could smoke cigarettes until you're 80 and still live a long and healthy life. Most of the "wise" things people have to tell you are nothing more than 100% pure bullshit. "You need to conform." "You need to do this shit." "You need to do that shit." "If you don't do this shit, that shit happens." I basically post like that sometimes just be deliberately cynical and create my own brand of satire, but the honest truth is, most people really don't know a shithole from a hole in the ground. They think they do, but they really don't. One day it's this, and the next day it's that. Humanity is mostly populated by know-it-all fools, and that's the tragic punchline of this particular story.
    This is kinda hypocritical spectral because your acting like a know it all. If you practice good posture all the time you'll tend to have good posture if you start slumping all the time chances are your gonna eventually have bad posture all the time. Everyone occasionally slouches when there tired. Who just eats one meal a day lol of course that's all you need but if your working your ass off or lifting weights your gonna need more then one meal
  7. #7
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    The truth is, the less toxins you take into your body, the healthier you will be. All foods today are chalk-full of toxins and various other deadly poisons. So it stands to reason that the less meals you have, the less toxins will be able to enter your body. One meal a day is actually the smartest route to take. As for slouching, nobody should really give a fuck. If you're too weak or deformed to stand up straight when required, you should be eliminated from the gene pool altogether. What's this? We have to avoid slouching, just so we can conform to the required perfect posture? Fuck perfect posture. You can posture any way you like without the permission of some fucktwat who thinks he knows what is acceptable or not.
  8. #8
    The truth is, the less toxins you take into your body, the healthier you will be. All foods today are chalk-full of toxins and various other deadly poisons. So it stands to reason that the less meals you have, the less toxins will be able to enter your body. One meal a day is actually the smartest route to take. As for slouching, nobody should really give a fuck. If you're too weak or deformed to stand up straight when required, you should be eliminated from the gene pool altogether. What's this? We have to avoid slouching, just so we can conform to the required perfect posture? Fuck perfect posture. You can posture any way you like without the permission of some fucktwat who thinks he knows what is acceptable or not.
    If you don't have correct posture your bodies going to feel it later in life. The body was ment to stand a certain way. In the modern age we sit in chairs all the time that fucks our posture up we wernt ment for that. Yeah there's tons of toxins in our foods that's why it's important to buy from people that grow there own food hunt your own food. Venison is more tasty then beef in my opinion
  9. #9
    Toxins???.. That's why I avoid packaged donk pockets and frozen pizzas. Don't fucking pull some GMO glyphosate bullshit on me because I cook A LOT, Chili, Omelette, Sandwiches, Curry, Stirfry, Salad, Pizza (home cook).. I picked the damn mushrooms out of the ground myself so I know I'm not consuming "toxins".

    I don't understand how everyone around me has all these problems with food or weight.. And they keep eating 7-11 hot food and chocolate and are always bitching about being fat and going on a diet (females).

    Fasting (or as poverty stricken people call it "skipping meals") is very good for your health, I can understand why Muslims and Indians practice it in their culture. I have been eating 3 meals a day for the first time in 2 years and I AM BLOWING OUT MY ASS OH GOD...

    I ate chili today and my mom brings home pizza, And I just got back from Mac Donalds (I just had fries) I feel so sick and overfilled... I'm used to eating like one big meal every 2 days and just eating nuts, fruit, shrooms and triangles to stave off hunger pains.
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