The 3D standing-wave topologies of all Matter provide a rigid structure that displaces the surrounding Vacuum energies and creates a pressure gradient which we call attractive Gravity.And the destruction of these Matter topologies in turn creates radiant energies that propagate out into the surrounding space eventually weakening to form vacuum energies that permeate all of Space. This eternal cycle of Matter creation and destruction within Stars and Galaxies is what drives the Universe we see today causing it to contract as it forms gravitational Matter and to expand as it restructures the standing-wave Matter into radiant forms of Energy (Light and heat). The same process offers us a source of clean, limitless energy for all our needs as well as unlimited resources by restructuring 3D Matter into radiantmass-energies with 100% efficiency.
Our toxic stockpiles of radioactive wastes can be completely eliminated from the environment and electrical power can be safely stored as non-radioactive masses within macro-scale models of the deuterium nuclei and distributed worldwide to any location without the need for transmission lines.Clean, limitless energies can now be created by correcting our current model and understanding of stellar ‘fusion’ through the application of equilateral Planck energies and the Tetryonic unified field equation of mass-ENERGY-Matter to our needs.For the first time in Humanity’s history, we find we have the chance to advance our civilization to new pinnacles of technology and understanding in turn leaving our World a better place than we found it
Age old dilemmas of technological and scientific advancement at the cost of environmental pollution and climate change is at an end Older nuclear and hydro-electric storage schemes can be eliminated and replaced, returning water courses and environments to their original natural states in turn reducing tensions and conflicts stemming from the availability of energy resources worldwide. Tetryonic theory offers a new geometric perspective that builds on the foundations of Classical, Quantum and Relativistic theories, unites all these disparate scientific disciplines through equilateral Planck quanta of mass-energy momenta and paves the way forward for new discoveries and a greater understanding of the mechanics of mass-ENERGY-Matter and fields of Force on all scales of physics in our Universe