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What would you do if you woke up tomorrow as the opposite gender?

  1. I'd wear the least amount of skin tight clothes and yell DONT LOOK AT MY ASSCHEECKS to nervous 14 year olds.
  2. tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    I'd be devastated but then I'd go out looking for bxtches to fxck!
  3. Kafka sweaty
    I think I’d be a nervous wreck. I’d still want to be stylish and wear fishnets and nail polish as a guy, but then I’d worry about other guys not wanting to be my friend. Ig it depends where you live. I’d lightly pluck my eyebrows and think more men should do that when there’s hairs on your eyelids. Also Kaminomoto hair growth accelerator does wonders and can go on your brows. I do make the first move sometimes but guys have to do that all the time and idk how they deal with the rejection, stay optimistic. I don’t think I could learn how to be funny. If it’s true that men are more selfish then I can’t imagine being that way. Don’t think I could bite my nails that short like half your fingernail is gone. I’d probably be less aggressive and that thought makes me uncomfortable.
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    I'd shove a whole fist up my arse
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