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Drugs vs Sex

  1. #21
    Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby faggits and most men tend to have a high sex drive, russel brand is a 33 degree mason so he's expected to fuck kids on the side, but his bisexuality and fame has been a total A double entendre for him if you know what i mean… hurrrr! but its kinda weird that you mention russel brand considering he's been out of the lime light for quite sometime now..

    his stand up special was pretty cringey, a gay brit dude mason prancing around in skinny jeans talking about being a cuck… who'd of thunk?!

    He's an ex smack head and teetotaller hence using him as an example. I too found him incredibly annoying, and he still can be. Jonathan Ross use to bring him on his show from time to time to boost ratings. Personally I think he has ADD. He's definitely self absorbed, you see it when he's all excitable and feeding off the crowd like some little retard that needs Ritalin.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #22
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Sex on drugs?

    Correct answer.

    Reminds me of that scene from Gone in 60 seconds where what's her name asks what's better, having sex or boosting cars, and Nic Cage says both. Or maybe he asked her. I dont fucking know but either way.

    That being said I think you have to compare the ALLURE and POTENTIAL, or some shit. Like in and of itself, fucking is cool, but it GENERALLY doesnt last all that long and then it's over, where whereas with most drugs you're gonna get your high for a longer time.

    But sexual anticipation and tension is a very fun thing and can "get you high" all fucking day. Its just blowing the load is sort of the end of that high.

    It's all very complicated. LOTS OF MOVING PARTS.
  3. #23
    Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by Octavian Jonathan Ross use to bring him on his show from time to time to boost ratings.

    Did wobby Wonatan Woss and wittle Wussel Bwand have a wood owl whinge about Twump?
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