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Where do you keep your green?

  1. #1
    and where does your dad keep his?
  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    -Don't have any
    -Dad is dead

    When I did smoke I kept it in the little box/storage device I have sitting right next to me on my computer desk.

    When I smoked and still lived with my parents, fookin ten years ago m8, I kept it above my closet, so you'd open the door and reach up and behind- not a very sneaky spot; I think most parents are aware of this typa hiding place. It's also where I kept my nudey mags. My dad kept his in a black film container inside one of the drawers on his Craftsman tool-box. That's also where he kept his pipes and whatnot.
  3. #3
    Hewfil1 Houston
    In an old ammo can. They're waterproof, and air-tight.
  4. #4
    rolled up in empty pill bottles
  5. #5
    in front of me at all times
  6. #6
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    On my desk. Man, there are lots of shitty things about being an adult, but not having to hide porn/drugs and being able to rearrange furniture or nail some shit into the wall whenever I want is like one step from paradise.
  7. #7
    In a baggie
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