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The Vietnamese

  1. #1
    Soyboy IV: The Flower of Death and The Crystal of Life African Astronaut [the oppositely able-bodied hop-step-and-jump]
    Visiting Vietnam in 1953, Norman Lewis quoted a despairing French soldier, Captain Doustin, “It is the feeling I get at this moment that we are at grips with something ant-like rather than human. These unemotional people driven on by some blind instinct. I feel that my intelligence and my endurance are not enough. Take, for instance, those fellows they send up to dig holes close to the wire, before an attack. You’d expect them to show some human reaction when our supporting guns start dropping shells among them, but they don’t. They go on digging until they’re killed, and then some other kind of specialist fellows come crawling up and drag the bits and pieces away. Some time later that night you know the shock-troops are going to come up and get into those holes and then you’re for it. Losses simply don’t bother them. All they’re concerned about is not leaving anything behind. They actually tie a piece of cord to every machine gun, so that as soon as the chap who is using it gets knocked out it can be hauled back to safety.”

    The Vietnamese are one race I've never had anything to do with, besides wearing my Nikes, but they seem like they go pretty hard.

    Why is Vietnam still so poor?
  2. #2
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING IV: The Flower of Death and The Crystal of Life

    The Vietnamese are one race I've never had anything to do with, besides wearing my Nikes, but they seem like they go pretty hard.

    Why is Vietnam still so poor?

    same old story everywhere.

    corruption among those with guns.
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