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News Priorities = hella ghey

  1. #1
    SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    It took 20 minutes for Carol Channing's death to be on the news.

    Personally I thought she already died some years back.. it's one of those Mandella FX things. I remember her death because she was Hello Dolly play. and one of the most famous celebs from San Francisco from the Purple Onions days along with Phillis Diller and when Bob Hope lived in San Francisco (Even though Phillis and Bob are originally from Ohio I think the 1950s was the old money hip place for stars)

    if she died 20 years ago she would of been first story. but no one under 50 probably knows who the fuck she was. Fuck you San Francisco News for "Progress"

    also funny photo of the day.. though misspelled.

  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    The only caroline channing that matters

  3. #3
    SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost The only caroline channing that matters

    Is she related? or is that her character's name? She's from 2 Broke Girls?
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
  5. #5
    SpaceCakes African Astronaut

    real name Beth Behrs
    She's also a writer on the show (as most cast members usually are these days)
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