2019-01-19 at 5:41 PM UTC
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
What if they made an AAA game but it was just a pair of realistic titties. Nothing else. Moves exactly like real life. Can manipulate from any angle. 4k. You can change size, color, nipples, pasties, bras, etc. You can even put little stickers on it.
Age slider DLC for the price of the original game. Default is set to 21 year old breasts. This encourages pedophiles and even just legal teen lovers to buy the DLC. That's when you come out with the tittyfucker peripheral. 180 dollars but it comes with a beta testing code to the next game, Hot Titties 2, which will feature alien breasts as well as the ability to dress breasts in military style bras from across the world.
Pre-order and you get 20,000 purple nurps to spend in the store. Items are PURELY cosmetic. No pay to win here.
2019-01-19 at 6:35 PM UTC
on topic :
i also would like pe2 and dino crisis.
2019-01-19 at 7:46 PM UTC
Oregon Trail.
I want to feel the dysentery.