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Still this Joke

  1. #1 Space Nigga
    Who's Baby Momma is this

    Shit, Just have HTS be the recipient of this uterus and he can be his own mother father?

    shit's crazy. is it the Dead lady who is the Mother and the lady who got it is just an incubator supplying blood.

    what if a Man or hermaphrodite who normally couldn't impregnate themselves now can. Fuck you bitch feminist. you say women will one day won't need men. fuck you .. "I'll fuck myself and sit home all day sucking my titties"

    steal that Joke and I'll put a hex on you.
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    I'm virile enough for us both. Now shut up and take the blue pill
  3. #3 Space Nigga
    Satan's children are everywhere.
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