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If thenearth had no poles, would it have been harder for them to decide which way is "up" official maps?

  1. #1
    Item 9 African Astronaut
    I bet the pacific ocean or whatever ones the biggest would be "bottom"
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
  3. #3
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I world without poles would make me sad,,,

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
    A world without pauls?
  5. #5
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    that may be ok
  6. #6
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    You realize map orientation is based on the path of the sun, and not where the poles are, yeah? It would be exactly the same.
  7. #7
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Unless we were in a alien made biosphere that had no poles because it had equal heating/sun throughout.

    In that case i dunno
  8. #8
    Ghost Black Hole
    The earth is flat
  9. #9
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Ghost The earth is flat

    So which way is up then?

  10. #10
    Technologist victim of incest
    Look up and you may see
    What’s up for you, is down for me!
  11. #11
    Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    If there were no poles what would the earth spin on?
  12. #12
    Technologist victim of incest
    It’s axis
  13. #13
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Narc So which way is up then?


    Earth is xy

    up is z
  14. #14
    tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    The earth is flat and it has a dome above it- like the cookie stand- and when its time for you to die god lifts the dome and takes out a cookie (ie you).nomnomnom.
  15. #15
    Ghost Black Hole
  16. #16
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    On the top of the world, water drains counterclockwise. On the bottom of the world, water drains clockwise.
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