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James Comey on Full transparency

  1. #1 Space Nigga
    can't wait to use this on Jeff Hunter

    the fear is, that prior to being a Director of the FBI.. Comey was challenged at a house commity to question him on his "Full Transparency" policy that he adopted.. and if he had leaked informtation to the company pre FBI director and Bridgewater Associate Days.

    Full Transparency? Like the Clinton Emails?

    According to Comey, who prosecuted targets ranging from Mafia boss
    John James Gambino to Martha Stewart to the bombers of the Khobar Towers, the decision-making environment for the firm’s 1,300 employees is tougher than anything he ever endured during decades rising through the ranks of the Justice Department, from a junior prosecutor to U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York—the department’s highest-profile posting—to the No. 2 job under Attorney General John Ashcroft.

    In a corporate video still on Bridgewater’s website, a cashmere sweater-clad Comey discusses the hedge fund’s emphasis on transparency and accountability: “I’ve been ‘probed’ in this strange field trip through life that I’ve had a lot of different places. I’ve testified in court, I have briefed the president of the United States repeatedly, I’ve argued in front of the United States Supreme Court, and I’ve been probed at Bridgewater. And Bridgewater is by far the hardest,” Comey says. “You combine that intelligence, the depth and the almost 360 [degree] vector of the questioning, there is no more demanding, probing, questioning environment in the world than Bridgewater.”

    “Sometimes I felt my head spinning when people were questioning me, but it’s uniquely demanding,” he said in the video. “If you say something stupid to the president of the United States, he may backhand you and say that’s a dumb answer, but he doesn’t want to know why you said that and what does that tell me about the way that you’re approaching your work, and what does it tell me about you. He’s never going to ask that.”

    The deeply philosophical Comey, a religion major from William & Mary who wrote his college thesis on exegesis, the close study of texts, found himself comfortably at home inside Bridgewater once he got over the initial shock of transferring from the insular bureaucracy of the defense contractor Lockheed Martin, which he’d served as general counsel. “The mind control is working. I’ve come to believe that all the probing actually reduces inefficiencies over the long run, because it prevents bad decisions from being made,” Comey told the New Yorker in 2011 a year after he joined Bridgewater and two years before he was considered for the FBI director’s role. About Dalio, he added: “He’s tough and he’s demanding and sometimes he talks too much, but, God, is he a smart bastard.”

    Comey explicitly carried many of the lessons from Bridgewater, where he made millions of dollars a year, into his new role as FBI director, which pays significantly less but is for him a dream position. “I went to Bridgewater in part because of that culture of transparency,”
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    Literally who lammreow
  3. #3 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost Literally who lammreow

    go to work for Ray Daleo why don't you.. and while you're there. Outsource some more American Jobs so companies can profit higher! fuck you fellow Americans over, You dirt bag jedi jedi Denier and self loathing American-jedi with a serious jedi fro!
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