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Stop the war on plants

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    My friend and I have joined the movement to stop the Crouton ban. We are going protesting before going to see slayer saturday. Garden of the ancients is a great shop with medicinal plants that help me out a lot with my illnesses. I get my Crouton and mullein tea there.

    Help spread the word and stop the ban on plants!

    skip ahead to 7:32 to get the gist of it.
  2. #2
    I wont be happy until I can get Jimsonweed at a dispensary.
  3. #3
    fentanyl sprayed on lawn clippings is a plant I don't care what anyone says, I'M SELLING IT AS A PLANT, SO IT SHOULD BE LEGAL.
  4. #4
    Merlin Houston
    The worlds gone crazy with making things illegal and creating regulations.
  5. #5
    The worlds gone crazy with making things illegal and creating regulations.

    I remember the good ol days when any god fearing american could manufacture a nuclear reactor in their garage, and phosphorous could be bought by the bushel from your local factory that dumps all its hazardous waste in the unoccupied field next to it.
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    huff jenk molotov everything eat greens fuck the system broooooo
  7. #7
    I've hated poison ivy since I was a kid and I'm sure as fuck not stopping now you fucking hippie.
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