So, um yeah. If you’re the one who does what someone else tells you what to do, sorry but you’re an official gargantuan asskisser. Verdict says: Your leadership ability has been scorned for life. It doesn’t have to be only job related either. Let’s give a prime example, ok? So, you have a boyfriend or girlfriend whatever, right? It could be at a first date, where he/she could be asking you anything in a subtle demand like, “could you pass the salt”, or, “could you hold this for me, please?” Oh man, that’s my favorite. When they add the courtesy. That’s like the icing on the cake. What you don’t know that psychologically, they’re using the “hypnotizing mechanism” to control your beloved mind.
It’s not rocket science folks. Studies found that the person is most likely 77.4% or so, manipulative. Which makes their judgement, indigenous. So, the next time someone tells you to do something out of the ordinary because they feel as if you are under them, or because they feel that can control you without you even knowing it simply reply, “why”, or “what for?” What does this do to the suspect who’s using the method changes the outcome of said hypnosis. Watch their body language and how they respond after. If he/she comes out defensive, bitch, you better put that foot down and let yourself be known that you’re the beta, the omega. If it’s a positive playful-like reaction, still, put that foot down and let yourself be known that you’re the beta, the omega. It’s a dog eat dog word out there kiddo. So, now that being said, if you’re wondering wth I’m doing now by saying all this? Well, first and foremost, I’m not telling you what you should do, I’m only giving you the choice of taking the initiative and finding out for yourself. Food for thought. Oh yeah,
...disregard the dog getting its groove on.