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-SpectraL appreciation thread.

  1. #41
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    did you fall off the turnip truck 30 years ago though?

    I believe it was sometime around the morning of 1976.
  2. #42
    Spectral is a computer program invented by users of the screaming temple of elrctroncdnw
  3. #43
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I don't mean to brag about it. Really I don't. It's a nostagia/respect kind of thing with me. I guess I would be kinda like the last buffalo, or the last bison, or whatever you want to call the last of its kind, still out there roaming, searching for its brethren, questioning the lesser gods, and yet facing the impossibility of finding a place - a community- to call home. And it was a great ride, indeed. The mindblowing age of KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The beauty of the baud. Nobody did it like the Screaming Electron. One of the HUGE features was PHREAKING... blackboxing... beigeboxing... blueboxing... redboxing... the &Temple was the best of the best. You could use op codes and simple components to tap into anyone's lines, listen to conversations, make free long distance calls, glittering prizes of all kinds to be had, all you needed was the know-how, and we sure did have the know-how. And that was just a part of it. Nothing like you see today. And hey, as much as that stuff is now antiquated in time immemorial, it can still be useful, even in the the modern year of 2016. It was the mindset. The teamwork. The age. It was something to be made immortal, for those who were there. This was before even Stanton and r00t came on the scene. As the great man behind the curtain once said, "Welcome to the suburbs. There is no escape", and he was dead-on right, as usual. That's where I'm coming from.
  4. #44
    Free long distance calls LOL.. and then there was Skype.
  5. #45
    I don't mean to brag about it. Really I don't. It's a nostagia/respect kind of thing with me. I guess I would be kinda like the last buffalo, or the last bison, or whatever you want to call the last of its kind, still out there roaming, searching for its brethren, questioning the lesser gods, and yet facing the impossibility of finding a place - a community- to call home. And it was a great ride, indeed. The mindblowing age of KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The beauty of the baud. Nobody did it like the Screaming Electron. One of the HUGE features was PHREAKING… blackboxing… beigeboxing… blueboxing… redboxing… the &Temple was the best of the best. You could use op codes and simple components to tap into anyone's lines, listen to conversations, make free long distance calls, glittering prizes of all kinds to be had, all you needed was the know-how, and we sure did have the know-how. And that was just a part of it. Nothing like you see today. And hey, as much as that stuff is now antiquated in time immemorial, it can still be useful, even in the the modern year of 2016. It was the mindset. The teamwork. The age. It was something to be made immortal, for those who were there. This was before even Stanton and r00t came on the scene. As the great man behind the curtain once said, "Welcome to the suburbs. There is no escape", and he was dead-on right, as usual. That's where I'm coming from.

    I remember I youtube'd "totse" once, and went to newest results first. A video came up with a conference on the old internet, bbs's and stuff, and some guy was there saying he used to post on totse back in the 80s/early 90s. So you're not the last buffalo, there's others out there. You just didn't move on with your life whereas that other guy is givin' conferences and shit.
  6. #46
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    …You just didn't move on with your life whereas that other guy is givin' conferences and shit.

    Moving on does not directly translate to letting go; the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. That is a myth, propagated by "The Man", or the "Hive Mentality", as you may wish to call it. You don't have to let go of the past to embrace the future at all, if you don't want to. You can do it all. Embrace the past just as much as you embrace the present, and the future, if you please. Or... not. There really is no script.
  7. #47
    lots of totse stuff on here.

    I have no idea when the site went down but I remember all kinds of drug cooking files on totse, I think it was 2007 which means I was 13 or 14 years old. I remember looking up drug cooking files earlier than that. There was also stuff about growing weed indoor/outdoor, mushrooms and ways to get/make every drug and precursor.
  8. #48
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    lots of totse stuff on here.

    I have no idea when the site went down but I remember all kinds of drug cooking files on totse, I think it was 2007 which means I was 13 or 14 years old. I remember looking up drug cooking files earlier than that. There was also stuff about growing weed indoor/outdoor, mushrooms and ways to get/make every drug and precursor.
  9. #49
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    speccy screencap a 1989 post of yours
  10. #50
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I imagine it used to look something like this.

  11. #51
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]

  12. #52
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    They call it combinowanie or are proud of it vs other europeans hwo good they are at finding small ways to hustle or save money in illegal or semi legal ways. for insatcne password sharing on netflix is huge in poland, pirated software, going to store isles and pretending to pay for goods and making it seem like you did only to wlak out for free with them. etc. they call it "combinowanie" and may be the best at it in europe.
  13. #53
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    The story of how Spectral began as an elite career criminal:

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