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Quantum leap of sperg

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    After Sam completed his long awaited mission of making sure that Beth knew that Al was alive in the P.O.W. camp, to save their marriage so Al doesn't end up an alcoholic and on a binge of loveless marriages, the familiar blue forcefield surrounded him and electricity passed through his veins, finally something is making sense again. But Sam's memory quickly became swiss cheesed again, the only 2 times he really restored all his memories are when he switched places with Al, and just before this current leap, when he was in Al's bar, not the Al that has been helping sam for years, but, a higher power. Maybe God, maybe not, but something has to be leaping him around.

    He awoke in a daze sitting at a computer desk, in a very torn up and disgusting room. He saw on the computer screen a long list of chat messages that are either just a small, confusing piece of a huge puzzle Sam is going to have to solve, or the answer right in front of him. Looking at the internet history, Sam quickly became disgusted, not at who he leaped into, but what the world has done to a certain (my name here).

    There was a door shutting sound, as Al entered the imaging chamber. ''Al, what is going on here? Have I leaped into Jeffery Dahmer?''

    ''No sam, we didn't think this was possible, but Ziggy is 99.4% sure you've leaped into the future, the year 2016. Your name is (my name here), a 17 year old social outcast with severe societal deprivation and almost completely motivated by drugs''

    ''Oh, so I have to just get his act together?''

    ''Well, no Sam. Ziggy thinks you have to reconnect this guys friend with a girl he had a falling out with a couple years ago. We aren't exactly sure, but atleast it's a possibility''

    ''Oh boy''

  2. #2
    AI is malf. Please remove infected AI from station before its virus spreads to other devices.

    good story through, felt like I was really there.
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