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I'm very worried about me

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    try to remember

    I know for sure my nmda receptors are antagonized and there is definately some sigma 1 agonism, the dopamine still flows like the
    clouds that move across the sky. The certain song, fucks with my buildings, I say, the building that my brain is.

    This must be the pinnacle of the universe or something because I've never listened to a song and had it repeat in my head nonstop for almost a week, even in my dreams. It's gonna make life easy for me. To get things done I have to break the, bonds of the , song on my highway parkbench working working but if you come with snother dim, I tell you my friends are important to me

    I hope you worry bout me
    I would worry bout me
    Don't be sorry Dr. House, Cuddy ruined your leg/bag/life
  2. #2
    Listen to a song you like and then cut it off about 3/4 of the way through

    It'll get that song stuck in your head instead
  3. #3
    why must you relate every single thing to what your neurotransmitters are doing? for one, you're probably wrong most of the time. yea you've read some research papers but those only give a glimpse of what the brain is doing, not a definitive answer, especially one that someone who just gets high and reads online would be able to deduce. second, our neurotransmitters only modulate experience, they aren't the actual experience, except in a literal term, but who the fuck is so fucked up that when they experience a moment of joy, like losing their virginity, the only way they can describe is in terms of dopamine?
  4. #4
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    When I take drugs that are shown to act on certain receptors with many reliable articles and controlled trials, and I feel like I felt on the drugs that affected those receptors without being on the drug its sigma feels

    sorry I can;t construct a sentence

    Also black and white thinking. I have borderline disorder. concrete thinkin
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