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dr drew fired after questioning shillary clintons health

  1. #21
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    There are only a couple people on here who know enough of my PI to harm me if they wanted. Only one knows everything. I have no criminal record at all. Never even been arrested or questioned. You do and right there is the door to knowing everything about you especially since you've revealed so much other info about yourself. You on the other hand... Everyone knows your PI. Everyone. Every lurker, ever user, fuck.. Lol you wouldn't even know where to start on the list of people who could fuck your already pathetic life up. I'm pretty sure nobody has or would just because you do that everyday to yourself though. For being a conspiracy nutjob you'd think you'd do a little more to cover your ass. Everyone can be found out, it just matters how much someone wants to. For all the people you piss off and fuck over though you'd think you'd keep some shit to yourself.
  2. #22
    I laughed so hard at your post, Spacecat. "Xim Xom Bazongo" fucked me up. Would Thank.
  3. #23
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    There are only a couple people on here who know enough of my PI to harm me if they wanted. Only one knows everything. I have no criminal record at all. Never even been arrested or questioned. You do and right there is the door to knowing everything about you especially since you've revealed so much other info about yourself. You on the other hand… Everyone knows your PI. Everyone. Every lurker, ever user, fuck.. Lol you wouldn't even know where to start on the list of people who could fuck your already pathetic life up. I'm pretty sure nobody has or would just because you do that everyday to yourself though. For being a conspiracy nutjob you'd think you'd do a little more to cover your ass. Everyone can be found out, it just matters how much someone wants to. For all the people you piss off and fuck over though you'd think you'd keep some shit to yourself.

    oooooh you're so spooky! and I'm not a conspiracy nutjob, I have insider information from one of the bush's about things that go on in america. And I haven't fucked over anyone, maybe you need to shut your clap trap and quit being so easily offended on the internet you.

    who cares if people know who I am.. my names in the fucking phone book you retard.

    typical woman, easily getting triggered over nothing, how about you run along and go drink some more goats milk you frothy slut
  4. #24
    For being a conspiracy nutjob you'd think you'd do a little more to cover your ass
    Why? whats the point?.

    Everyone can be found out

    There is no point in hiding. There is no point in anything anymore. The NSA has your birth certificate, browser history, drivers license, cell phone information, any bills in your name. They know where you live, they know who all your friends are and where they live. They know exactly what electronic devices you use at all times. Even if you are the most law abiding person in the world there is still some five eye shadow agency with all your PI filed away neatly. They control all the TOR nodes and if you have ever used google or youtube they know everything about you and can track you for life forever across the world even in the deserts of Arabia.

    The only way to defeat the machine is to flood it with useless shit. You fail to understand this simple tactic because you have never had to survive the machine before. When you know you're being tracked and followed the best way is to throw them off your tail with deception and lies. Not posting at all makes it seem like your in hiding so they will be more aggressive in their tactics. But being flamboyant and redundant causes them to get bored because all you do is shit post 24/7.
    The ones who shit post 24/7 and never hide are the most capable of killing you and walking away like it never happened. The government will be waiting for you to blow up and go crazy while they yawn and turn off the listening devices just as you stumble out of a bar wasted ready to take on the universe.
  5. #25
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    The government is on point about taking away privacy, but they contain completely secrecy for themselves. But I guess that's how it goes freedom vs tyranny.

    some people should study up on the psychology of control. Its funny because "conspiracy theorist" used to just be regarded as skeptics...

  6. #26
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Lol I think someone is butt hurt. Ooo you have insider info from a bush? That's rich. You'd shit your pants if you knew what ace I've got in my sleeve. I grew up in the beltway- he's got as much or higher clearance as any Bush and that's a fact. I don't even know why that matters though when you're here discussing shitty tabloid topics in regards to conspiracy and government related issues.

    Who cares some asshole talkinghead doctor lost his show because he questioned a presidential candidates health history? Is this really a surprise since every major canidate has serious ties with the news media industry? Not really. If I work in a large company, and talk shit about the big boss' nephew when he is about to get a big promotion... Well, yeah.. I'd probably lose my job or be kicked down a notch. Thats how back door politics work.

    As for PI. I'm a little fish in a vast ocean. So are you. I'm not so much worried about the NSA or other betabet agencies. I worry about fuckheads who would fuck up my life for shits and giggles. That who you should be concerned about as well.

    Don't sit here and pretend you're some saint, dude. You have fucked people over. You've fucked your own daughter over. You've posted about all the shitty things you've done to friends, girls you've fucked and used (just recently even), and you justify it all to yourself and most the time proud of your scum actions. There are people out there who would just fuck with you because you're so easy to fuck with, and for the shit person you are.

    I just think its funny how cocksute you are.. Right after you post a paranoid thread about being fucked with in the stupidest ways and after posting 'just because you're paranoid don't mean they are not after you' quote... I'm not frothy at all, as its very entertaining to see your stupidity shine through like a burning bright sun radiating retardation.lmfao.
  7. #27
    the zongo always knows who you are at all times.
  8. #28
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Lol I think someone is butt hurt. Ooo you have insider info from a bush? That's rich. You'd shit your pants if you knew what ace I've got in my sleeve. I grew up in the beltway- he's got as much or higher clearance as any Bush and that's a fact. I don't even know why that matters though when you're here discussing shitty tabloid topics in regards to conspiracy and government related issues.

    Who cares some asshole talkinghead doctor lost his show because he questioned a presidential candidates health history? Is this really a surprise since every major canidate has serious ties with the news media industry? Not really. If I work in a large company, and talk shit about the big boss' nephew when he is about to get a big promotion… Well, yeah.. I'd probably lose my job or be kicked down a notch. Thats how back door politics work.

    As for PI. I'm a little fish in a vast ocean. So are you. I'm not so much worried about the NSA or other betabet agencies. I worry about fuckheads who would fuck up my life for shits and giggles. That who you should be concerned about as well.

    Don't sit here and pretend you're some saint, dude. You have fucked people over. You've fucked your own daughter over. You've posted about all the shitty things you've done to friends, girls you've fucked and used (just recently even), and you justify it all to yourself and most the time proud of your scum actions. There are people out there who would just fuck with you because you're so easy to fuck with, and for the shit person you are.

    I just think its funny how cocksute you are.. Right after you post a paranoid thread about being fucked with in the stupidest ways and after posting 'just because you're paranoid don't mean they are not after you' quote… I'm not frothy at all, as its very entertaining to see your stupidity shine through like a burning bright sun radiating retardation.lmfao.

    I haven't used any girls, and If I did, we both used each other. And If anything I got fucked over my daughters mother. I paid child support, yet wasn't allowed to see my child.
    Niggasinspace is a safe space free zone dont be so offended by my post. geee wizzz. fucking MOON PERSONs.

    And anyone willing to "fuck with me" because I'm a shitty person on a forum.. shows they are of fairly weak of character and too much time on their hands.
  9. #29
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Imolder than you faggot. Boohoo youdidnt get to pay pattycakenwith baby so fuck baby getting thebotle youselfcenteredassclown lol dude you don't even see how youfuckpeople
  10. #30
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^how old are you?

    and why are you so bitter? It's completely insufferable.

    This thread is booty
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