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Genetic testing to determine best medications/health assessment (psychiatry)

  1. #1
    Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    Has anyone had this done before? My psychiatrist is having me do this. I’ve seen some reports online that looked pretty interesting but I am looking for more in depth explanations & reviews

    My psychiatrist is trying lamotrigine on me to treat mood disorder, agoraphobia & sensory disorders. Anyone have experience with it? I go pick up the prescription tomorrow and as far as I’ve read it sounds kinda promising to help me even out my day to day life lol
  2. #2
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    It's a government conspiracy to get your DNA on file!

    Seriously though, I've never done it but I think it's pretty cool it's becoming a routine part of clinical practice. It would have been unimaginable in the not so recent past.
  3. #3
    Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    Yeah that’s how I feel. And I don’t care if the government has my DNA. They may be able to learn something from it. I want to learn everything I can from it lol. My doctors office does their orders through Genomind. I can’t fucking figure out what kind of results I personally will get to see from it, but I imagine my doctor will give me any record of report she gets
  4. #4
    Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    Oh yeah I forgot to mention the lamotrigine will hopefully stop my sleep seizures & crazy muscle spasms. And I have to go be evaluated by a neurologist to determine what’s causing all the recent new neuro issues I’ve had & what’s up with the ones I’ve had forever. My psychiatrist seems really sharp & nice. She refuses to give me any serotonin altering meds until she’s seen my genetic reports ^_^
  5. #5
    Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kinks Has anyone had this done before? My psychiatrist is having me do this. I’ve seen some reports online that looked pretty interesting but I am looking for more in depth explanations & reviews

    My psychiatrist is trying lamotrigine on me to treat mood disorder, agoraphobia & sensory disorders. Anyone have experience with it? I go pick up the prescription tomorrow and as far as I’ve read it sounds kinda promising to help me even out my day to day life lol

    Lol welcome to the not having emotions anymore club

    Its not bad if you go crazy-cycling every other day like I did before i was on it and do when i dont take it sometimes, but its kind of unfortunate that you have a harder time "getting into it" while on it. I take the max dose though I think.

    I've found that having no emotions and getting my visual snow made somewhat better by it is better than going crazy and/or feeling bad all the time

    Or maybe its just different. Im guessing society probably prefers me to be on the govt cuck drugs so it may make things a little smoother indirectly lol
  6. #6
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Maybe they should find a way to make people mentally ill so they're forced to take these drugs. Imagine how profitable this could be.
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