2018-07-06 at 9:45 PM UTC
I had an allergy test done. they poke you like 40 times up and down both arms. leave the room. and come back to see which one of the pokes swell up into what looks like a giant herpe.
every single poke did this on my arms. except two. pets. i have no allergy to pet dander.
the biggest one was sulfer or sulfite (which I already new)
lately I smeel rotten eggs or what smells like shit.. not a fart but a slight scenet of poop. or urine. I thought people were doing this to mess with my business. The Urine could be cold fox urine that when it warms up it then smells. you can buy fox or deer urine at hunting places as to bring in bucks to shoot (or foxes) who challenge others or even females to shoot. deer for game and foxes as abatement.
but the shit part turns out, it might be sulfer. and to rid the smell of sulfer is to rub your finger on your butt and then on the sulfer so it doesn't smell so obvious. I caught several people looking like they were scratching their ass on a back camera I had rigged up. no audio.. just so I could see what the fuck goes on behind my head.
I was cleaning my seat covers and spraying them with fabree when my eyes swelled up. these people know my allergies because they're probably linked into a database of my health .. and are trying to play mental games with me. not to mention of the bronchual spasms. what is the math symbol where two circles are pushed together and in the center oval is the answer called? (or 3)
Jeff's ex wife (or it could be his sister) is a Head ER doctor and I have been messed with by doctors and I have had 2 doctors tell me privately (but not in full detail) that some doctors are in this more for the money and willing to do whatever it takes to move up. over their own oaths.
this is really unprofessional. my guess is, it's apart of the so called Revolution of change in America from the 1960s and on.
and this is apart of a humiliation tactic
Demoralize/Humiliate. You know DH
2018-07-06 at 9:49 PM UTC
By the way.. I used to support the left. fuck them. and fuck the right. I was going independent. but Trump was an Independent running on the Right platforn. so now .. fuckPolitics altogether.
trump doesn't give a fuck about anyone. He even gave millions to the clinton and is buddies with Larry Silverstein. the lady who worked for Larry as a hotel manager was my wife's ex boss. NY Division.
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