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rethinking my life

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I went the last 10 years basically being a mane child and drinking like an asshole and lashing out at people, but after my seizure I had a few weeks ago, i realize (it sucks that it had to happen for me to realize this, it was embarrassing) that I need to cool it and do something different. And I've been thinking about it a lot lately. My right eye, is still black and "derpadewed" from the incident. I turned 29 recently and I realize I won't be a young man forever.

    I have a friend whos' 42, who I look up to, that i worked with. he told me that he went through something similar when he was my age, because he was drinking a lot. (I wouldn't consider him a loser or anything like that by any means, even though we both worked at a pizza shop) But he told me he didn't go to school and wasted a bunch of time, but he started drinking less, and started working out, and smoking a little bit of weed every day. And the guy still looks good for his age compared to a lot of 40 something year olds. So I figure I might need to do something like that. I have a hard time getting a good job because of my background, so maybe I can at least have my health.
  2. #2
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Don't worry too much about it. Just try to be the best you can, enjoy your life as much as your are able to however it turns out, and do not dwell on things you cannot change.
  3. #3
    Its hard to find meaningful purpose in this broken world. Having dreams is important

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