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A - Z drug synthesis for retards

  1. #1
    Ghost Black Hole
    Since everyone here is retarded I will post a new version of the A - Z

    A is for amphetamine.

    You make it by cooking meth backwards.
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    B is for Bromodragonfly

    Crush up some dragonfly and cook it like LSD and you have a potent psychedelic made from insects.
  3. #3
    Ghost Black Hole
    C is for cocaine

    just Buy it from Mexicans.
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
    D is for Diacetylmorphine

    just buy it from afghanistan
  5. #5
    Ghost Black Hole
    E is for Ephedrine

    just buy it from the chinese
  6. #6
    Ghost Black Hole
    F is for fentanyl

    just buy it from mexicans lol
  7. #7
    Ghost Black Hole
    G is for GHB



  8. #8
    Ghost Black Hole
    H is for hash

    you make it by putting weed in a bunch of water and evaping the water
  9. #9
    Ghost Black Hole
    I is for Inhalants

    Like jenkem, yall know this one

  10. #10
    Ghost Black Hole
    J is for JWH spice

    you make it by fertilizing a weed plant with virgin blood and cooking it like crack cocaine.
  11. #11
    Ghost Black Hole
    K is for Ketamine

    Vetrinarys commonly harvest it from the Ketamine tree which is like Salvia but a tree

  12. #12
    Ghost Black Hole
    L is for LSD

    Dear Friend,

    My name is Dave Rhodes. In September 1988 my car was reposessed and
    the bill collectors were hounding me like you wouldn't believe. I was
    laid off and my unemployment checks had run out. The only escape I
    had from the pressure of failure was my lab set and chemistry textbook.
    I longed to turn my advocation into my vocation.

    Follow my recipe and your dreams will come true.

    Sincerely yours,

    Dave Rhodes

    ooo ooooo .o. oooo oooo oooooooooooo
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    It's a SINGLE DOSE of LSD -- 50 MICROgrams. On the STREET, it sells
    for about TEN DOLLARS. It's small enough to fit on the head of a pin.
    _ _ _ _ ___
    | | | | | | (_) |__ \ ____
    __ _ _ __ __| | | |_| |__ _ ___ ) | ________|\ /__/ |
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    (_|_|_)__,_|_| |_|\__,_| \__|_| |_|_|___(_)

    It's a SMALL cube of PURE LSD -- 30 GRAMS. On the STREET, it sells
    for a AMAZING SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. It fits in your pocket and,
    ___ __ _ _
    |_ _|/ _| _ _ ___ _ _ ___ __ _(_) __| |
    | || |_ | | | |/ _ \| | | | / __|/ _` | |/ _` |
    | || _| | |_| | (_) | |_| | \__ \ (_| | | (_| |
    |___|_| \__, |\___/ \__,_| |___/\__,_|_|\__,_|
    d8' I8, 8 ,8I 88 d8'
    d8' `8b d8b d8' 88 d8'
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    `8b d8' `8b d8' a8" "8a `8b d88b d8' 88
    `8a a8' `8a a8' 8b d8 `8b d8'`8b d8' ""
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    ooooooooo. `8' `8' `"YbbdP"' .o8 YP YP 88 .o.
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    888`88b. 888ooo888 .oP"888 888 888 888 888 888 888 `8'
    888 `88b. 888 .o d8( 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 .o.
    o888o o888o `Y8bod8P' `Y888""8o `Y8bod88P" `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o Y8P
    LSD can be derived from the ergot virus which is commonly found on
    hops and wheat. While it's possible to scrape the virus off the stalks
    of these plants, there's a much easier way to get ergot...
    _____ _ _ ____
    | ___|__ ___| |_ ___ _ __( )__ | __ ) ___ ___ _ __
    | |_ / _ \/ __| __/ _ \ '__|/ __| | _ \ / _ \/ _ \ '__|
    | _| (_) \__ \ || __/ | \__ \ | |_) | __/ __/ |
    |_| \___/|___/\__\___|_| |___/ |____/ \___|\___|_|

    Foster's Beer is one of the few beers made with ergot-containing grains,
    and it is definitely the most available. First, you'll need some big, blue
    cans of Foster's Beer, which you can purchase at most local supermarkets.

    1. Buy 12 cans of Foster's Beer. In a pan, heat the beer to a slow boil, in
    order to remove the water and isolate the ergot-containing compounds.
    Boiling off the water should take approximately 36 hours -- don't rush
    the process, or you risk damaging the ergot-containing compounds. As
    the beer evaporates, simply add more beer. In this way, eventually, you'll
    have the essential compounds from all 12 beers in the bottom of the pan.
    2. It's now necessary to pH neutralize the slightly acidic ergotamine
    solution, using a weak base. No-fat household milk is ideal for the job.
    Mix in 1/4 cup of no-fat milk (be *sure* not to use milk with any milkfat)
    and wait 30 minutes for the solution to reach equilibrium. At this point,
    you have a weak solution of ergotamine with which you can continue the
    process. It should be a creamy brown color and a bit gooey. Be careful,
    because ergotamine is
    ____ _____ ___ ____ _ __ __ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ _
    | _ \| ____|/ _ \| _ \| | \ \ / / | _ \ / _ \_ _/ ___| / _ \| \ | |
    | | | | _| | |_| | | | | | \ V / | |_) | | | | |\___ \| | | | \| |
    | |_| | |___| _ | |_| | |___| | | __/| |_| | | ___) | |_| | |\ |
    |____/|_____|_| |_|____/|_____|_| |_| \___/___|____/ \___/|_| \_|

    3. Next, it's necessary to combine lysine with the ergotamine solution.
    Lysine is available in most health food stores. You'll need about 2
    grams of lysine (that's 20 100 mg pills). Cool the ergotamine solution
    to near freezing in your freezer (to avoid desosphyxiation with CO2
    in the air). Now, simply grind the pills into a powder and mix into
    your ergotamine solution. You now have lysergic acid.

    4. You *want* LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, however, and so you need
    to ethylate your compound and then ammonate it. Sound hard?
    ___ _ _ _ _ _
    |_ _| |_ (_)___ _ __( ) |_| |
    | || __| | / __| '_ \/| __| |
    | || |_ | \__ \ | | || |_|_|
    |___|\__| |_|___/_| |_| \__(_)

    Simply add ethyl alcohol to the lysergic acid mixture. Pure grain
    alcohol is ideal, but Bacardi 151 or some other high-proof alcohol will
    work fine. Add 1 cup of pure alcohol, 1 1/3 cup of 151 proof, or
    2 cups of 100 proof. Now, to remove the hydroxyls, add 6 cups of 4%
    hydrogen peroxide (available at your local pharmacy) or 24 cups of
    1% (stronger is better)

    Be careful, because now your compound is
    _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _
    | | | (_) __ _| |__ | |_ _ \ \ / /__ | | __ _| |_(_) | ___
    | |_| | |/ _` | '_ \| | | | | \ \ / / _ \| |/ _` | __| | |/ _ \
    | _ | | (_| | | | | | |_| | \ V / (_) | | (_| | |_| | | __/
    |_| |_|_|\__, |_| |_|_|\__, | \_/ \___/|_|\__,_|\__|_|_|\___|
    |___/ |___/
    [Keep it away from open flames]

    5. Now, for the final step in preparation, add 4 ounces of pure ammonia to
    the solution and let sit at room temperature for 3 days. This waiting
    period allows for the slow reaction to take place -- at higher
    temperatures this reaction occurs much more quickly, but you risk
    decomposition of the LSD. At the end of the three days, you've done it!
    _ ____ ____
    | | / ___|| _ \
    | | \___ \| | | |
    | |___ ___) | |_| |

    The expected yield of LSD is 100 grams, over 1,000,000 doses! Be VERY,
    VERY careful at this point, because the solution you're dealing with is
    *extremely* *concentrated*. If any gets on your hands, you could be
    tripping for years! Now, put about 20 gallons of water in a barrel,and
    stir in the LSD using a large oar. At this level of dilution, a 1/4
    cup contains about 100 hits. You can dispense the hits using an eye
    dropper (3 or 4 drops per hit).
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #13
    Ghost Black Hole
    M is for MDMA

    made from M, D, M & A

    each of those are the chemicals you use to make it. The A is amphetamine.
  14. #14
    Ghost Black Hole
    N is for Nitrous Oxide

    You make it by Nitrating Oxygen.
  15. #15
    Ghost Black Hole
    O is for Opium

    You have to time travel to before the opium wars if you want any though because it was eradicated in the war.
  16. #16
    Ghost Black Hole
    P is for Peyote

    It is commonly grown like weed indoors under strong lights or hydroponics, yeah.
  17. #17
    Ghost Black Hole
    Q is for Qualudes.

    Its a mix of random chemicals they discovered by accident in the 70's and isn't used much these days. You can probably steal it from a hospital
  18. #18
    Ghost Black Hole
    R is for Ritalin

    It's made from the sweat of retarded people to slow down other retarded speedy kids, or speed them up, I dunno.
  19. #19
    Ghost Black Hole
    S is for Speed

    It's grown like a weed!.
  20. #20
    Ghost Black Hole
    T is for tramadol

    It's made from aspirin and heroin in secret government labs.
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