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lost my phone, was found near a kids treehouse, neighborhood thinks I'm a pedo

  1. #1
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Or something like that. On the way home from my friend's shed (we was smokin up) I mustve gotten lost because it was 3am and I knew I lost my phone but I was nowhere near that niggers house, the kids dad was in jail for child abuse n shit, the little nigglet probably found my phone and wanted to cause shit because the whole neighborhood knows I'm a druggie loser but, damn wtf
  2. #2
    Don't worry. Nobody is going to expect you of being a pedo because kids don't use things like tree houses or baseball fields anymore. And if the tree house was in a nigger's yard, then the house was either stolen or recently purchased using Section Ape.
  3. #3
  4. #4
    Nice try, chudd molester. How old was the boy?
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh the irony. Serves you right for hating on pedos.
  6. #6
    That would make a good romance movie. The main character is getting high in a tree house with his friends and loses his cell phone. He calls the number from another cell phone the next day to see if anyone found it. What he wasn't expecting was an adorable 8yo girl to answer it. They start texting each other and become good friends... :o
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