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Has anyone here ever here been raped or raped someone?

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I've been going to my rape culture classes recently and a lot of women say that they have been raped at parties by guys, because they were too drunk (the guys were drunk too) and that they didnt give consent or dont remember giving consent. People kowtow to women like these. I proposed that I was raped because I fell asleep drunk once and some girl started sucking my dick while i was passed out. They didnt know what to say.

    Rape is illegal but if a guy gets drunk and gets his money stolen by a hooker (a crime) its funny/ he's a dumbass.

    They got really pissed off at me for saying this, but I'm just trying to do the judicial system justice by speaking up and being a social justice warrior. I wish I had went to college and became an attorney of law.

    Anyone else here ever been raped?
  2. #2
    No and no. I'm so not a rape-er. And im pretty sure rape culture only exists in prison.
  3. #3
    Yes to both.
  4. #4
    GoIIum Houston
    I was raped by Meta's finger. I just walked up to the guy while he was repairing his motorcycled and said "hey man hows it going?" Next thing I knew his hand was up the legs of my shorts and I felt the 'poke'. He pulled it out, wiped it on his jeans and said "eh it's goin' pretty good". I mean, I would have let him do that if he bought me dinner first, but he just did it anyway and I felt so fucking violated I just hitched a ride back home and spent the day crying in my bed. I became traumatized. My butt cheeks tighten every time a Harley passes by me.
  5. #5
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Rape is illegal but if a guy gets drunk and gets his money stolen by a hooker (a crime) its funny/ he's a dumbass.

    I was considering making that joke or a variation of it where you ask whether raping/not paying a hooker is rape or shoplifting, but then I did a google search just to be sure I remembered the structure correctly and found this:
    Judge Criticized for Considering Gang Rape on Prostitute 'Theft of Services'

    The absurdity!
  6. #6
    The best kind of rape is digital rape.
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