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Some depressing ass shit, thats got me pissed...

  1. #1
    AFJ Houston
    So I was chillin playing games and stuff with a dearest loli.
    When we got done our game, and we're just chillin in her room, shes laying on her bed, looking up at the ceiling, when all of sudden, completely out of no where,
    she says "You know.... Sometimes.... Sometimes I wish I didn't exist. Life sucks."

    I was like WHAT!? and facial expression went immediately from :) to :( ...because I know why...

    I am literally the only one that has shown this girl anyone sort of actual love. Her mother treats her more as a burden than anything, and her stepdad is absolute trash.

    They don't let her do anything, and they don't do anything with her.
    I am the only one that has ever actually shown care and concern about her and go do the things shes wants to do.
    Not just bringing her to things that [SIZE=14px]I[/SIZE] want to do, where she unfortunately has to come as well.

    So yeah...
    This has literally been me the rest of the day...

    Because I just want to murder the fuck out of her "parents" and adopt the hell out of her., but that is clearly WAAAAAAY easier said than done.
    Atleast she knows I was telling her the truth, all those times I told her "you'll see what I mean, when you're older." ...unfortunately. :(

    And her stepdad ABSOLUTELY HATES that I'm a better person in every way than he is. Ha-ha, Fucking scum.
  2. #2
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Well, it's common. Families aren't like they were in the 50's. More people are aware that there isn't a god, so they live to today and become as selfish as possible. So cheer up lad.
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That sucks man, you should try to make her as happy as possible, explain to her how she is important and why. How'd you guys meet anyway? Only loli i currently have particularly strong feelings for is my cousin, and i'm grateful my aunt and uncle are good people.
  4. #4
    Does she have a younger sister, or maybe a kindergarten friend she could introduce me to? I would be glad to volunteer my time to be their big brother. Children need love and I want to be there for them, whenever they need a shoulder or perhaps a lap to cry on.
  5. #5
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Then fill her with as much love and freedom as you can. Teach her to find both on her own and within herself, the best way to leave her parents if it's truly warranted.
  6. #6
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    That sucks man, you should try to make her as happy as possible, explain to her how she is important and why. How'd you guys meet anyway? Only loli i currently have particularly strong feelings for is my cousin, and i'm grateful my aunt and uncle are good people.

    Fuckng kill yourself
  7. #7
    Then fill her with as much cum as you can. Teach her to finger within herself, and leave her parents if it's truly warranted and live with you instead.

    This is how I read it after only 4 beers.
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ooooooh teh lolli's are all the rage these days with the kids.

    Can't you kids just hump cat's or slampigs like a normal person?

  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fuckng kill yourself

    Which part of my post makes you the most upset? Is it the fact i want to have sex with my little cousin or the fact i told AFJ he should make his loli feel important and wanted? My little cousin loves me breh and i'm seeing her coming saturday. What are you going to do about it?

    Can't you kids just hump cat's or slampigs like a normal person?

    If humping cats and slampigs makes a person normal, i'm glad to call myself anything but normal.
  10. #10
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Then fill her with as much love and freedom as you can. Teach her to find both on her own and within herself, the best way to leave her parents if it's truly warranted.

    This is how I read it after only 4 beers.

  11. #11
    What video games were you playing? I bet you have shit taste in vidya, that's why she wants to end it. Rev up some smash fam.
  12. #12
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^psssshh he should rev up some smash tv man

    and by the way OP you sound weird as fuck. The fact that you take childs feelings this seriously is abnormal.. she's a kid, kids bitch and whine and get all emo about everything.
    If you really like her, why not take her to go do something fun this summer besides playing video games. Go to the beach or go swimming somewhere.

    And I doubt her step-dad hates you because you're better than him, he probably hates you because you're a creeper. Which is weird that he'd still allow you to hang with his underage daughter.... Something isn't adding up here.

    But some behavioral annalist do suggest that a lot of peedo's do have a fundamental concern for the well being of their prey. I guess different strokes for different folks. I personally would have a hard time hanging out with someone that young. Women are already difficult and childish as it is.
  13. #13
    This is how I read it after only 4 beers.

    Fuck I'm not the only one.

    Fill her with love OP.
  14. #14
    AFJ Houston
    That sucks man, you should try to make her as happy as possible, explain to her how she is important and why. How'd you guys meet anyway? Only loli i currently have particularly strong feelings for is my cousin, and i'm grateful my aunt and uncle are good people.
    I do try to make her as happy as possible...but her parents are literal trash, and its like pulling teeth, trying to get them to let her go do something fun with me and some other girls. I Swear its like they dont want her to have fun. Period.
    Shes fed, clothed, and has a roof over her head, so as far as DCF is concerned, shes "fine", which is fuckin horrible. Apparently, who cares about neglect and the emotional trauma it causes.

    Then fill her with as much love and freedom as you can. Teach her to find both on her own and within herself, the best way to leave her parents if it's truly warranted.
    That sounds creepily suicidal-ish'll pass thanks.

    OP you sound weird as fuck

    hump cat's or slampigs like a normal person
  15. #15
    Smash TV is the shit.. Big prizes!!! Big money!!! I LOVE IT!!!
  16. #16
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Smash TV is the shit.. Big prizes!!! Big money!!! I LOVE IT!!!

  17. #17
    I understand that pedophiles can't help but be attracted to children, but fucking hell do you guys have to be just as cringy as they are?
  18. #18
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^of course they do, they're pedophiles you derpadew
  19. #19
    Lolis only like "cool" pedos anyways. If you are trying to get them naked on cam and your all like "TAKE IT OFF OMG CAN I KISS YUR FEETS??? PROMISE YOUR NOT AN FBI OKAY??" compared to some dude playing it cool like he doesnt even care. These girls arent sexually mature so they arent fawning over every guy that calls them hot. You can't just charm them by calling them sexy, it takes significantly more brain power to fuck a girl under 16.
  20. #20
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I hope this site doesn't become a pedophile hangout.
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