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Being queer bait

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Today, i put an entire corn cob down the disposal while drunk while washing dishes and it fucked up my disposal and water started leaking every where, I fucked up my kitchen bad, It took an hour to clean it all up and I'm still having to use a box fan to dry the wood cabinet underneath. I got really pissed off threw everything that was under my sink like my favorite little princess besides the vinegar dawn solution I made.

    I called the land lady to send someone over (we haven't had a permanent maintenance guy thats always on site in months now and she is hiring kids and guys that don't speak english, just whoever can do it.

    I was pissed off and decided to put on my calvin klein black micro fiber breifs to relax and let my balls chill out and feel sexy while I sleep. Evidently I passed out so hard that I didn't hear the maintenance man unlock the door and come in. And I woke up and opened my bedroom door to use the bathroom while half asleep and he was there and it totaly caught me off gaurd, and I kind of was shocked and he told me it was cool and its okay. I used the bathroom and then went back to my room and told him through the door to just do his thing and lockup when he leaves. He did and when I went back out of my room to see if he locked the door and what kind of job he'd done, I noticed a note on my oven that said.

    "call me sometime" with his number and smiley face

    Anyone ever had anything like this happen to them before?

    I do have a nice ass and nice lips, and long legs like a deer, but I don't want to be a fag.

  2. #2
    Pic of the note or you're a lying wannabe fag.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Pic of the note or you're a lying wannabe fag.

    I don't want to have sex with the guy, but I think its a good thing to not give out someones phone number to you assholes, who's try to fix my disposal.. Herp durp jJEEEERET!!11
  4. #4
    Non of this happened you schizophrenic, chronic liar. It was just the beginning of onevof your gay fantasies.
  5. #5
    Cuz.... Bill Krozbydogs will never work!!.

    Imagine if he knew there was a song about you.
  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
  7. #7
    Oh shit, the dude is a serial "disposal cleaner".
  8. #8
    Calvin Klein underwear seems to be really popular on the forums, too.
  9. #9
    Duke Zion Tuskegee Airman
    If he really wanted some he should have just came in your room with assless chaps and a plunger in his ass not write a note like a little girl
  10. #10
    If he really wanted some he should have just came in your room with assless chaps and a plunger in his ass not write a note like a little girl

    This. Fucking homos are so effeminate these days he can't knock on his bedroom door and offer to suck his dick right there on the spot?. It Was the PERFECT opportunity but this little bitch was just like "oh geez, he was so teh hots! But I'm such a little fag boy that I can't even assert myself". What a total bottom bitch, can't even be a good fag. Imagine if this guy was straight trying to get a woman? LEAVING NOTES he would be forever alone and laughed at by every girl. But nooooo because he's gay its just so fucking adorable that he has no spine or balls or ANYTHING associated with a strong personality, the standards are lowered so he can comfortably LGBT NOT TO OFFEND ANYONE be a submissive bottom bitch and get AIDS from a bugchaser.

    Leave a note... Pffttttt.... You SHOULD call him to tell him what a bitch he was and that he blew his chance to blow your boy pussy out in front of a crowd of astronaut internet folk on tinychat.
  11. #11
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Last night I went and saw the band "nothing" It kinda sucked becase nick basset isn't in the band anymore (the edgelord from whirr, but the new guy is pretty good)
    I told the bartender that I know, it was my birthday even though my birthday was 3 days ago and he gave my friend and I free shots.
    They were pretty good, we got there late because she took to long to do her makeup and I wanted to eat a chili dog. But we caught most of their set.
    The other band "wrong" is cool I've seen them before they are kind of like the melvins, but I could go without.

    What was weird was the amount of cops in the venue, a tiny venue.

    After that we went to another bar across the street and told the bartender I want two shots of whiskey and 2 thirsty goats and I will pay him in pizza, and I told my friend I'd be right back and I walked over to my old job at the pizzeria next door, and just walked into
    the kitchen and started taking out pizzas out of the oven and laughing with those dudes. (it was good to see them again)
    I put five or 6 slices of pepperoni in a box, and my old boss came out and was like "you can't being doing this doug, this is theft" And I said "whatcha gonna do? Fire me?" and went and brought people next door pizza.

    I drank way more than normal last night, I woke up drunk. I need to "cool it"

    Herpa durperz jeeeeeeerrttszzz!!!!11 we gottmy favorite little princess here!

  12. #12
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Your old boss and the others just let you take pizza like that? Are you fucking serious? First off as an employee I'd at least be like, you can fucking make your own new pizza and wait for it, but you're not taking the ones we've already made for customers you FUCK. And your boss? YOUR BOSS just says 'you can't do that?' What a fucking VICTIM. I woulda knocked the pizza out of your hand and dragged you out of the store by your earlobes. LOL
  13. #13
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    tfk? this is an obvious fraud note, they were not crotch-less calvin kelin doesn't even make krotchless panties for men. , I'm not a gay like that anyways.

  14. #14
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Calvin Klein underwear seems to be really popular on the forums, too.

    You would know a thing or two about that considering you have more strange guys jock straps in your raquetball gym locker than you have close friends.
  15. #15
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Haha did I put that pac-man on there? I sort of remember doing that. I love playing with your naked pictures Bill Krozby. *giggles*
  16. #16
    I would have totally shot you if I worked there. I have a fantasy of working at a Walmart and some dude steals some goods and tries to run out the front door but I press a button on my phone and all the doors are bolted shut and I slowly walk up to the guy with my gun drawn and start unloading a magazine of hot .45 caliber lead into his torso and legs before anyone even has a chance to dial 911.

    Don't you live in open carry "everyone has a gun" Texas?. If everyone haDa gun there would be NO CRIME!!! NONE!!!!.
  17. #17
    None of that ever happened.
  18. #18
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Haha did I put that pac-man on there? I sort of remember doing that. I love playing with your naked pictures Bill Krozby. *giggles*

    tee hee, you did it right before rdfrn closed
  19. #19
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I would have totally shot you if I worked there. I have a fantasy of working at a Walmart and some dude steals some goods and tries to run out the front door but I press a button on my phone and all the doors are bolted shut and I slowly walk up to the guy with my gun drawn and start unloading a magazine of hot .45 caliber lead into his torso and legs before anyone even has a chance to dial 911.

    Don't you live in open carry "everyone has a gun" Texas?. If everyone haDa gun there would be NO CRIME!!! NONE!!!!.

    we do have open carry in austin, and it just intensified even more, but I worked with a bunch of liberals and they put a sign in saying "we do not support open carry here " or something like that.
    that and my old co-workers loved me and have drugs on the premise so we all thought it was funny.

    I got fired from there almost 2 months ago for off site sexual harassment, because I was drunk at my place on my day off and some guy that never goes to work, asked me if I'd work for him so he won't get a demerit (i've told him a million times don't call me for that) and I called him a fat faggot and probably told him some other things, and he got worried that I was going to kick his ass so complained to the boss.

    Then my co-workers got pissed about what happened and bullied him out of his job.

    The managment there were literal new jersey jedi cucks, we had a customer come and was so drunk he went and peed in the dough room and the cops didn't do anything but make him mop it up, in a perfect world he would of had to mop it up with his face.
  20. #20
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    None of that ever happened.

    The maintenance guy came back and there I was again standing there in my underwear and he told me "another problem other than the disposal is that your main drain pipe is too tight and needs to be loosened, some things need to not be so tight." and batted his long pretty boyish eye lashes, what should I do?
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