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My cat is kind of an asshole?

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    We were taking an afternoon nap together and it was peaceful but I rolled over and it woke him up, and he just started poking me in the face with his paw, and I woke up and he was just sitting there looking at me and was like "hey"

    I rolled back over to the other side and he went to my laptop adapter and bit it in half while coast to coast was playing. I got really pissed and spanked him but he just liked it. I don't understand why he's like that, sometimes he will even slap his water bowl over and water will go everywhere. (he's done it twice)

    I bought him toys and tuna. He's cute but he's kind of a jerkwad. after he annoys me a lot I will put him outside my room and close the door and all he will do is sit out there and cry until I get fed up with that and let him back in.

    I had to wash him the other day and it took almost 2 hours to do it and I have claw marks all over my arms,

    what would you do?
  2. #2
    Tell a vet and try to get it some kitty valium. If I cant do that or it still doesn't work get rid of it and get another one.
  3. #3
    Sometimes sc's are just mktthehdhcngfuckaaadsdddddsdsdddddddzss man
  4. #4
    How big is his dick?
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    like an inch ^
  6. #6
    I hope so much that you finally die, Bill Krozby. Stop torturing that cat. None of the things you've mentioned is atypical for a cat. It's a cat. The y act like cats.

    You also didn't spank him you fucking liar. Spank a cat, yeah right. Suicide Bill Krozby. It's the best option for you.
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^wtf are you talking about? I spank cats like almost every day. And I don't torture my cat. And I'm not going to suicide, I'm not a gay like you.
  8. #8
    I'm glad you don't raise your daughter.
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I do and I spank her too, her mom is to afraid to do it because "all of the white people" even though she's white. herp durp jeeeeeeert!
  10. #10
    Tell me how you spank your daughter? Do you give her a couple left and right and then start rubbing her? Maybe let a finger slide in?

    You're a fucking child abuser, Bill Krozby. You need help. Help in form of lead, spread at high velocity by a shotgun. Into your asshole. Faggot.
  11. #11
    like an inch ^

    I'm jelly.
  12. #12
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Tell me how you spank your daughter? Do you give her a couple left and right and then start rubbing her? Maybe let a finger slide in?

    You're a fucking child abuser, Bill Krozby. You need help. Help in form of lead, spread at high velocity by a shotgun. Into your asshole. Faggot.

    Nah, I'm not weird like that, I spank her when she starts acting like a brat and needs a good swat on her backside. But I would totally except a liberal European pussy like you to think that's "child abuse"

    I was spanked as a child and as an adult I never considered it a sexual act in anyway. Some people need to get hit sometimes. It's just that simple.

    I come from a family that's way more respectable than her mothers, and a lot more disciplined.

    Her mom on the other hand is a different story, I've had to bop her right in the face a couple times for acting like a bitch because her parents didn't learn her well enough when she was younger.

    I'm not a jedi like you and don't have social justice cuckwarrior hang ups like you where I'm opposed to hitting a girl or spanking my child.

    You have the gull to tell me, that I'd get beat up in your hood for being a "hipster" and for my "goofy smile" and then call me abusive?

    Fuck you you sappy nazi slut

  13. #13
    I'm not a jedi like you and don't have social justice cuckwarrior hang ups like you where I'm opposed to hitting a girl or spanking my child.

    Yea, just perectly described me there. Good job, Bill Krozby.
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