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I got a new job

  1. #21
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'll place my bet that Bill Krozby catches on and performs so spectacularly that upper management fires the executive chef and makes Bill Krozby his replacement, within 15 days.
  2. #22
    I say the haunted painting gets him TONIGHT.
  3. #23
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

  4. #24
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^thats creepy

    But yeah I probably will bitch a lot I use this forum as my blog. But just because I bitch about something doesn't mean I'm going to quit. I didn't quit my last job and I was there for 7 months and only missed one shift
  5. #25
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Wow the cat picture actually worked.

    It actually doesn't seem like a bad idea for lower level positions like him, particularly ones that are less formal/more laid back and care more about having people who will mesh will into the group. Interesting note tangentially related to this, the food service industry was shown to have the highest rate of drug/marijuana use, which isn't surprising.

    Makes him stand out, look more human compared to all the all the other faceless applications that are only words on paper, seem more memorable, friendly, easy going/laid back.

    Yes, of course he didn't think it through at all, I didn't even bother to say "to this level", but it is rather clever after the fact.
  6. #26
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    well mq was right, I'm not a sous chef, I barely even knew what that was I got confused. I'm a cook / prep guy and assist the sous chef that assist the chef that doesn't do anything but be a fatass. It went alright today and everything went well, the store hasn't opened yet but we are just practicing making stuff for the owners and their friends to try out before we open in a week.

    For lunch we made a bunch of egg and sausage sandwhiches and they were alright, I went to the hotel next door and had 2 shots of whiskey, went back to the store and the girl that is going to be a bartender there had a bunch of liquor and she gave me a shot of whiskey, I was prepping some stuff and got bored and realized I'm almost off so I went to my car and ate 4 shroom capsules and then went back to work.

    My boss spoke to me on the porch and asked If I liked it so far and if I need anything, I told him I just need more money because I'm paying child support and he gave me a raise, and told me he just had a daughter as well and he will try to help me out. He told me that If stay there for 9 months to a year and I don't like it that at least I got experience to work other places down town and he could be a reference considering he knows all the other restaurant owners.

    I'm going to try and make the most out of it, because I will probably always work in a kitchen or a bar the rest of my life, so I may as well try to be good at it.
    The owner is super fucking weird and just talks on his phone constantly lurking in the background with an ominous stare..
  7. #27
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    well mq was right…

    Let me stop you right there.

    Seriously though, I was just surprised you'd get an 'entry-level' sous chef position. I did actually believe you though. Anyway this should come as a relief, as you won't have as much responsibility. You're still making $15 an hour (or more if you just said you got another raise somehow) which is pretty decent. It's more than I've ever made and I've been cooking off and on most of my adult life, our places around here just don't pay that type of money unless it's like a high-scale super-busy restaurant, which I tend to try and avoid. I'll personally sacrifice a few dollars an hours if it means I don't have to constantly bust my ass. (Maybe that's part of my problem in life, who knows?)

    Still though it sounds like a pretty decent situation. I'm guessing it's a new kitchen what with the new restaurant, or is it an old kitchen with a new owner? Most kitchens I've ever worked in were pretty small and cramped, save for one or two fairly new, nice, state-of-the-art clean kitchens which are a lot nicer to work in (but also generally require a lot more keeping clean as they want it to stay nice).

    Only 3 shots and 4 shroom capsules on your first day. That's pretty imbressive.
  8. #28
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    It actually doesn't seem like a bad idea for lower level positions like him, particularly ones that are less formal/more laid back and care more about having people who will mesh will into the group. Interesting note tangentially related to this, the food service industry was shown to have the highest rate of drug/marijuana use, which isn't surprising.

    Makes him stand out, look more human compared to all the all the other faceless applications that are only words on paper, seem more memorable, friendly, easy going/laid back.

    Yes, of course he didn't think it through at all, I didn't even bother to say "to this level", but it is rather clever after the fact.

    well you've kind of got a point but almost every industry wants people to "mesh" with them and has people that they don't mesh with , but I wouldn't expect a guy like you , who's never had a job before to understand that.

    But yeah, the cat picture did work well, I've been questioned about it several times, and I told them I just thought it was a great picture (plus I've read online it's a good thing to put a picture of yourself on your resume' so they atleast know who they are meeting with, some employers, aren't expecting the prettiest people but at least they will know if they are dealing with a fatass. And by chance the guy that hired me is british so he liked the queen anna bolin painting and it gave us something to talk about.

    So yeah, I did kind of think it out, way more than you know. Having 2 felonies will make you try extra hard to get a job. I plan a lot of things out, whether you believe it or not.

    I have a couple of things going on right now that I'm trying to do. and it has nothing to do with being an armchair psychologist/psyche/pussy

    I will admit it is a gimmick , but it will work for at least a while, its not the first one I've used to make money

    on a side note the chef, told me he thought i was jedi because he thought i was wearing a yamaca and I told him it was a kufi and he got triggered.

  9. #29
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Let me stop you right there.

    Seriously though, I was just surprised you'd get an 'entry-level' sous chef position. I did actually believe you though. Anyway this should come as a relief, as you won't have as much responsibility. You're still making $15 an hour (or more if you just said you got another raise somehow) which is pretty decent. It's more than I've ever made and I've been cooking off and on most of my adult life, our places around here just don't pay that type of money unless it's like a high-scale super-busy restaurant, which I tend to try and avoid. I'll personally sacrifice a few dollars an hours if it means I don't have to constantly bust my ass. (Maybe that's part of my problem in life, who knows?)

    Still though it sounds like a pretty decent situation. I'm guessing it's a new kitchen what with the new restaurant, or is it an old kitchen with a new owner? Most kitchens I've ever worked in were pretty small and cramped, save for one or two fairly new, nice, state-of-the-art clean kitchens which are a lot nicer to work in (but also generally require a lot more keeping clean as they want it to stay nice).

    Only 3 shots and 4 shroom capsules on your first day. That's pretty imbressive.

    This is the most cramped place I've worked in and I don't think its new kitchen, they are renovating the outside and the deck and dining room, but its very small, all of it's very small, but the thing is, thats why you should move somewhere else, We have a lot of festivals here in austin, hoboken pie, sucked a box of dicks in more ways than you can imagine, but I was able to save up almost 2k while spending my money like my favorite little princess on booze and yolo hats. Thats kind of why I was pissed I got canned. There needs to be a Bill Krozbydog stand. Hell even when I was walking back to my car I saw a new food truck called "tommy want chicken wingy" and everyone was all over that stuff at 4pm by all of the bars.

    I'm still kind of tripping right now but everything seems kind of gay, and everything is tit for tat just to have a job so you can sleep in sheets.

    It's just I know I haven't always been the best worker in my younger days, or I didn't have a dream, or I didn't care about bettering myself, but I am now. But at the same time I try so hard to seem like I'm happy even though I want to just walk out and cry like a lil bitch, but I don't, because you have to hold on, It's just everything is really shitty and sucks, but I'm trying to keep my life together, have enough money to go to concerts and pay support for my daughter, and I'm still trying to play guitar with the guy I used to work with and record something but i have a hard time meeting up with him now.

    The people at work, were like "are you okay bud?" and its like *i wouldnt tell them this* but I hate being here and I hate not doing my own thing without you guys

    I didn't know I looked that upset. I will always go to work on time and do what I have to but I can't stand the happy people that work there.

    Maybe I should have been a cop or an army mad because I like talking mad shit to people I don't like and getting paid for it. But at the same time I'm not gay like that.

  10. #30
    You were only hired because the boss thaught you were a jedi. Now that he knows that you are a dirty goyim he will abuse you until you quit and tell all the other bar owners/jedis that you are a schill cuck. LOL.
  11. #31
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^lol funny.... yeah my bud and I already joked around about that.
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