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  1. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka

    if your shitty god-fearing society wasn't so fucking prudish about sex and nudity, the boy would not have had the shame that was foisted on him that made him take his own life.

    go shout to the puritanical retarded fucks who sit on pews and stand in pulpits all across your deluded lands.
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    that's like a reverse of the 419 site where people used to get Nigerian scammers to take photos of themselves doing ridiculous things to prove they were for real before sending money
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    oh lol it's still around
  4. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra that's like a reverse of the 419 site where people used to get Nigerian scammers to take photos of themselves doing ridiculous things to prove they were for real before sending money
    Originally posted by aldra

    The first two I looked at were so obviously shoapped lol

    Were we really that fucking retarded? Maybe our old monitors and vidyas just hid it all.

  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    actually yeah, I haven't even thought about it in ages but I don't remember there being so many obvious fakes

    I just remember seeing a lot of really weird ones, like


  6. WellHung Black Hole
    life sucks
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung life sucks

    Fallen Angels are destroying this world.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I was thinking babies shouldn't have to forced to go through life with a name they didn't pick and might not like at all. Wait until the child is old enough to pick their own name. In the meantime, the mother and father and friends and family could call it Hey You.

    I got mine legally changed because I fell out with my dad and didn’t want the names he gave me, I was named after someone famous and wanted to choose my own. I wish I didn’t have to do it because it’s a nice name but hearing it still triggers me because I know it’s coming from someone from my past and my mum would just shout it louder and louder so ig I feel fear when I hear it.
  9. Originally posted by slide22 Fallen Angels are destroying this world.

    True. But they're only permitted to go so far. We have to destroy ourselves voluntarily. It's like the vampire must be invited in before it can enter.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ True. But they're only permitted to go so far. We have to destroy ourselves voluntarily. It's like the vampire must be invited in before it can enter.

    Same with ideas.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    I’m thinking about the hair I would still have on my head if I’d just been brave and took that bar out myself. The amount I lost in just a few weeks… I hope Kaminomoto can fix it, if not I’m getting hair extensions. I’m lucky in that fine hair has always suited me.
  12. Kafka sweaty
    The reason I didn’t take it out myself was because I didn’t want to give the doc any reason to think I’m mentally ill, why would someone butcher their arm a few weeks before they were due to get it removed?
  13. Kafka sweaty
    I realised I have shoes I completely forgot about for over a year and surprisingly they keep coming to mind the past two days. This is a typed reminder for me to wear them.
  14. Originally posted by Kafka I’m thinking about the hair I would still have on my head if I’d just been brave and took that bar out myself. The amount I lost in just a few weeks… I hope Kaminomoto can fix it, if not I’m getting hair extensions. I’m lucky in that fine hair has always suited me.

    What's wrong with being totally bald?
  15. Kafka sweaty
    As I was saying, a married man is looking to have an affair with me. It's against my principles and I feel revulsion, but I'm also curious to see if it's actually possible for me to stop being so rigid, and I'd like to know the reason girls get into these types of relationships, if there is a reason why it's worth it that I don't know about yet, and because I'm in my 20s I should be experimenting and making mistakes.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Another reason I'm considering it is because it's a priority to get away from this place for my health and being in an irl relationship may help.
  17. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka As I was saying, a married man is looking to have an affair with me. It's against my principles and I feel revulsion, but I'm also curious to see if it's actually possible for me to stop being so rigid, and I'd like to know the reason girls get into these types of relationships, if there is a reason why it's worth it that I don't know about yet, and because I'm in my 20s I should be experimenting and making mistakes.

    it's s dead-end mindset. so what, you get fucked. emotionally there's nothing else. a man getting married in the first place defines him as a cuck. you give yourself to a cuck to fuck, and get nothing in return. worst result is he leaves his wife and you're stuck with a cuck.

    otoh married women, from a man's point of view, are kinda hot because men don't need emotional connection to enjoy fucking. we literally don't care. the risks and lack of commitment are exciting. it's a fucker if they leave their husband though. minor guilt trip.
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by troon it's s dead-end mindset. so what, you get fucked. emotionally there's nothing else. a man getting married in the first place defines him as a cuck. you give yourself to a cuck to fuck, and get nothing in return. worst result is he leaves his wife and you're stuck with a cuck.

    otoh married women, from a man's point of view, are kinda hot because men don't need emotional connection to enjoy fucking. we literally don't care. the risks and lack of commitment are exciting. it's a fucker if they leave their husband though. minor guilt trip.

    I'm not looking for emotions. I have autism so I'm more comfortable when they aren't involved, when I can be distant.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Anyway I'm being careful about the person I am/becoming because I read somewhere that after you turn 30 your personality becomes set. I don't want to be neurotic forever and while my principles give strength of character/stop people from swaying me I think they should be reviewed, because even though they've always been there I don't know what caused me to have them and if they're suited for my current life.
  20. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I'm not looking for emotions. I have autism so I'm more comfortable when they aren't involved, when I can be distant.

    autism doesn't mean you have no emotions. you're just fucked up.
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