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  1. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You're the one talking about sword fighting Melinda

    And your the one turning a life and death confrontation with eged steel in to a metaphor for gay sex. Again quite telling Tanya.
  2. Originally posted by Speedy Parker And your the one turning a life and death confrontation with eged steel in to a metaphor for gay sex. Again quite telling Tanya.

    This guy drops his butter knife and his gay lover picks it up to hand it back to him and thinks it's a life or death confrontation.
  3. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson This guy drops his butter knife and his gay lover picks it up to hand it back to him and thinks it's a life or death confrontation.

    It's public record in Niles, Ohio. That was the first of 7 assault with a deadly weapons charges I've caught and beat. You know my name, look it up buttercup.
  4. Originally posted by Speedy Parker It's public record in Niles, Ohio. That was the first of 7 assault with a deadly weapons charges I've caught and beat. You know my name, look it up buttercup.

    so 7 times you've got mad when a fella turned down your sexual advances huh...something to be proud of then.
  5. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson so 7 times you've got mad when a fella turned down your sexual advances huh…something to be proud of then.

    Sit there in your slave pen and think your gay thoughts. I have shit to now. Maybe I'll have some time to kill tomorrow. If so I may just give another 15 minutes of attention while sit chained to your job.
  6. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Sit there in your slave pen and think your gay thoughts. I have shit to now. Maybe I'll have some time to kill tomorrow. If so I may just give another 15 minutes of attention while sit chained to your job.

    I'm not coming in tomorrow till about 12pm lunchtime so adjust your schedule accordingly. /wave
  7. Originally posted by Speedy Parker It's public record in Niles, Ohio. That was the first of 7 assault with a deadly weapons charges I've caught and beat. You know my name, look it up buttercup.

    Correction: assault with a deadly cane.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    I don’t want to turn him into a trainwreck but I need someone I can relate to

  9. Originally posted by Kafka It changes colour

    That's actually really cute. What is the function of this device?
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Who are you, John Joke (inventor of jokes)? That's actually really cute. What is the function of this device?

    Air humidifier
  11. Originally posted by Who are you, John Joke (inventor of jokes)? That's actually really cute. What is the function of this device?

    Who are you, John Gay Comment? inventor of gay comments?
  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  13. Kafka sweaty
    My teddy’s pretty creepy but I don’t want to abandon it

  14. blaster master victim of incest
  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by blaster master the pictures you take are unsettling.

    just like house of leaves,

    i love how at the end he [you] has to burn the pages hes [youve] already read to keep reading.

    did you do the puzzles? the part where you hold the book to a mirror and write down what you see?

    did you listen to the poe album?

    I wanted creepy bedding going for 30s/40s style decor. There’s something comforting about it.

    I don’t remember the mirror bit so no. I only read it once and went the lazy route of googling the hidden messages. There’s a site dedicated to it. What did you see in the mirror?

    Yes I listened to the Poe album, the five and a half minute hallway song is good.
  16. blaster master victim of incest
  17. Kafka sweaty
    I had a nightmare inspired by it. It was that I was a soldier and crashed a black aeroplane in a sunny meadow in a forest. There was this house that had a door to a non-world where everything was black, it was the hallway of my house. A black kitten wanted me to follow it further in and a light switched on upstairs, something wanted me to go up there. I took the kitten back to the real world but it died instantly because it wasn’t used to sunlight. Then I tried cloning it but the experiment went wrong and contaminated the real world atmosphere with the blackness.
  18. blaster master victim of incest
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by blaster master The time I read the book and did the mirror shit I wrote down a bunch of wacky shit about some one raping my mom.

    I think ive read it seven or eight times and took a lit class that turned into a class about house of leaves.

    I have another book that is just his mum’s deranged letters. I tried that letter her saying they were raping her at the hospital.
  20. blaster master victim of incest
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