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What are you thinking about....

  1. Originally posted by NARCassist btw, America was just our little backwater bitch paying us all their dough up until 1776

    Wars in Europe were way more important to us than your silly little revolution. Hell even India was more important to us than you were back then. Where you think all that tea came from, not to mention da opium?


    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ They had to fight the British, then they had to fight themselves, and they're still fighting to this day.

    lmao rekd get fukd americunts You will have another 4 years of Brandon and you deserve him for the rest of your sorry lives
  2. They'll probably try to JFK Trump now.
  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Won't matter once everybody steps aCross_theline anyway

  4. ner vegas African Astronaut

    > trying to smuggle 4.5tonne strike drones by wrapping them in plastic and calling them wind turbines
  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I ain't watching that Alder is too long, and I'd have to pause vlc which means clicking on the vlc tab and all that bollocks

    Fuck that

  6. Lanny Lanny Tuskegee Airman
    wrong page response
  7. Lanny Lanny Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Dirtbag

    AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, 
    an open source HTML framework that allows website
    owners to create web pages that load quickly on
    mobile browsers. AMP pages are cached versions
    of the original page that live on Google's servers,
    and can also be cached by other CDNs like Microsoft Bing or Cloudflare's AMP caches

    how do you guys internet off such a small screen? I have farsighted vision and can't see shit without reading glasses
  8. 800x600 gaming master race

    △ =- ▲ -= △ =- ▲ -= △ =- ▲ ༀ☥┏┛⨻┗┓☥ༀ △ =- ▲ -= △ =- ▲ -= △
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    🜰 🜱 🜲 🜳 🜴 🜵 🜶 🜷 🜸 🜹 🜺 🜻 🜼 🜽 🜾 🜿 |
    🝀 🝁 🝂 🝃 🝄 🝅 🝆 🝇 🝈 🝉 🝊 🝋 🝌 🝍 🝎 🝏 |
    🝐 🝑 🝒 🝓 🝔 🝕 🝖 🝗 🝘 🝙 🝚 🝛 🝜 🝝 🝞 🝟 |
    🝠 🝡 🝢 🝣 🝤 🝥 🝦 🝧 🝨 🝩 🝪 🝫 🝬 🝭 🝮 🝯 |
    🝰 🝱 🝲 🝳 𓂀 𓁷 𓂙 𓂐 𓂕 𓃔 𓃕 𓄸 𓆉 𓆚 𓇶 𓈈 𓇵 𓉑 𓉢 𓊎 𓊰 𓊮 𓍪 𓎹 𓐑 ␆ ⛃ ⛀ ⚯ ㍟ ㍗ ㍕ ㍅ ퟛ ᛪ 🀢 🀐 🀤 🁢 🆐 🖷 🖺 🗟 🗠 ន 🂠 🂡 🂢 🂣 🂤 🂥 🂦 🂧 🂨 🂩 🂪 🂫 🂬 🂭 🂮 🂱 🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂼 🂽 🂾 🂿🃁 [🐑℻] 🃂 🃃 🃄 🃅 🃆 🃇 🃈 🃉 🃊 🃋 🃌 🃍 🃎 🃏🃑 🃒 🃓 🃔 🃕 🃖 🃗 🃘 🃙 🃚 🃛 🃜 🃝 🃞
    I have to zoom in to view these properly
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny
    AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, 
    an open source HTML framework that allows website
    owners to create web pages that load quickly on
    mobile browsers. AMP pages are cached versions
    of the original page that live on Google's servers,
    and can also be cached by other CDNs like Microsoft Bing or Cloudflare's AMP caches

    how do you guys internet off such a small screen? I have farsighted vision and can't see shit without reading glasses

    We use laptop with Linux like all smart people

  10. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Idk what happened to her or how serious it is

  11. Lanny Lanny Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Idk what happened to her or how serious it is

    stop obsessing over this creature. if you died, it would eat you without giving two fucks about you.

    Cats are fucking dicks
  12. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny stop obsessing over this creature. if you died, it would eat you without giving two fucks about you.

    Cats are fucking dicks

    wow, just wow
  13. Lanny Lanny Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood wow, just wow

    You fucking cat lovers make me sick. a Dog is super loyal. I dont hate cats but I would pick a dog over a cat any day of the week.

    try and get a cat to lick peanut butter off your balls. your balls would get rekt!

  14. Instigator Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood 800x600 gaming master race

    △ =- ▲ -= △ =- ▲ -= △ =- ▲ ༀ☥┏┛⨻┗┓☥ༀ △ =- ▲ -= △ =- ▲ -= △
    🜀 🜁 🜂 🜃 🜄 🜅 🜆 🜇 🜈 🜉 🜊 🜋 🜌 🜍 🜎 🜏 |
    🜐 🜑 🜒 🜓 🜔 🜕 🜖 🜗 🜘 🜙 🜚 🜛 🜜 🜝 🜞 🜟 |
    🜠 🜡 🜢 🜣 🜤 🜥 🜦 🜧 🜨 🜩 🜪 🜫 🜬 🜭 🜮 🜯 |
    🜰 🜱 🜲 🜳 🜴 🜵 🜶 🜷 🜸 🜹 🜺 🜻 🜼 🜽 🜾 🜿 |
    🝀 🝁 🝂 🝃 🝄 🝅 🝆 🝇 🝈 🝉 🝊 🝋 🝌 🝍 🝎 🝏 |
    🝐 🝑 🝒 🝓 🝔 🝕 🝖 🝗 🝘 🝙 🝚 🝛 🝜 🝝 🝞 🝟 |
    🝠 🝡 🝢 🝣 🝤 🝥 🝦 🝧 🝨 🝩 🝪 🝫 🝬 🝭 🝮 🝯 |
    🝰 🝱 🝲 🝳 𓂀 𓁷 𓂙 𓂐 𓂕 𓃔 𓃕 𓄸 𓆉 𓆚 𓇶 𓈈 𓇵 𓉑 𓉢 𓊎 𓊰 𓊮 𓍪 𓎹 𓐑 ␆ ⛃ ⛀ ⚯ ㍟ ㍗ ㍕ ㍅ ퟛ ᛪ 🀢 🀐 🀤 🁢 🆐 🖷 🖺 🗟 🗠 ន 🂠 🂡 🂢 🂣 🂤 🂥 🂦 🂧 🂨 🂩 🂪 🂫 🂬 🂭 🂮 🂱 🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂼 🂽 🂾 🂿🃁 [🐑℻] 🃂 🃃 🃄 🃅 🃆 🃇 🃈 🃉 🃊 🃋 🃌 🃍 🃎 🃏🃑 🃒 🃓 🃔 🃕 🃖 🃗 🃘 🃙 🃚 🃛 🃜 🃝 🃞
    I have to zoom in to view these properly
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny You fucking cat lovers make me sick. a Dog is super loyal. I dont hate cats but I would pick a dog over a cat any day of the week.

    try and get a cat to lick peanut butter off your balls. your balls would get rekt!


    I prefer sheep, actually.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Idk what happened to her or how serious it is

    probably got into a fight

    bit of rubbing alcohol will stop it getting infected
  17. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Thinking about how short life is and what I want to do with the remainder of my time. All ik so far is I want to work for myself and move to an EU country for awhile, I could arrange that quickly if I didn't have inertia.
  18. Lanny Lanny Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Thinking about how short life is and what I want to do with the remainder of my time. All ik so far is I want to work for myself and move to an EU country for awhile, I could arrange that quickly if I didn't have inertia.

    where did you get all of that money to travel ?

    I thought you were wealthy.
  19. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny where did you get all of that money to travel ?

    I thought you were wealthy.

    Serial killers have access to all their victims' money.
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