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I got a new cat

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I went and donated some money to the animal shelter and I got a new cat today, he is 1 years old and his name is Archer. So far he's been cool, I got him this morning and took him home, we drank some beers and watched hellraiser and fell asleep. They said that he doesn't like new people but he seems happy just to be out of where he was at. And I've been happy as well, I haven't felt so happy as much as I am today in the last couple months. He looks kind of like my old cat but a lot skinnier and younger looking. All the other cats at the humane society were super fat and lazy like they didn't even give a fuck if you wanted to hang with them or not. It's like they were just pigs eating and sleeping their life away , no energy or friendliness.

    I went and hung out with him for a little while , he was hiding but I asked him to come see me and he did and was very nice, I told him I'd be back and I looked at a few other cats but wasn't impressed so I went back and saw him again, before telling them I wanted to get him.

    He will sleep for like 15-20 minutes then he will wake up and when I'm on the computer he will crawl up behind me and lay on my shoulder and lick my neck.

  2. #2
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lil key key
  3. #3
    That painting is hideous. Cool cat, though.
  4. #4
    One of my cats was gone for a week but I caught it today.
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^lol I stole the painting from someone in the neighborhood
  6. #6
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Don't leave it alone with Malice, because you know what will happen if you do.
  7. #7
    It's 100% haunted.
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    malice just got lucky once or twice, he has very little pussy game
  9. #9
    Don't ignore the haunted painting. What the fuck? Did you steal it from an antique store that mysteriously disappeared.
  10. #10
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    No, I found it in an alley walking home drunk one night, it was hung up on a fence, and yeah, It has given me the creeps at first, but not anymore.
  11. #11
    We both lose a cat and we both get "new" ones. Between us both we have never posted an ugly cat. How a person treats animals says a lot about them.

    I've been hanging out with my old crack house cat from when I was 14 years old. She is about 7-8 and has cancer in one eye.

    New cats, new adventures.

  12. #12
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^that is a pretty kitty

    So far "archer" has been following me around and is really sweet to me. At 3am this morning I was crashed out and he woke me up, he was nudging the back of my head with his paw and smelling my ear. I turned on my other side and looked at him and he sat down and just looked at me like "hey whats up, whatcha doin'?

    The damned thing is he's not eating or drinking water, he seems okay.. i just don't understand it. My mom told me that her mom would rub bacon grease on the paws of cats that wouldn't eat or drink. They would lick their paws then start eating and drinking water.... I was like thats weird mom, plus I don't have any bacon, and she said I know it sounds weird but it will work. I guess I will try it when I get home from work this afternoon.
  13. #13
    Get a can of tuna, casually make a sandwich and see if he smells it.
  14. #14
    Casually put some peanutbutter on your asshole and see if he smells it.
  15. #15
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    *a wild MLoR appears*
  16. #16
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Casually make sure his food and water dishes are placed out in the open, casually bring him to said dishes, casually get down on your stomach and casually eat a few pieces of the food with your mouth while casually glancing at Archer, then casually lap up some of the water while again casually glancing at Archer, then casually slide away from the dishes while casually moving Archer in front of them. Casually back away as Archer sits and looks at his dishes considering what to do.

    THEN, casually do the peanut butter butthole thing just because.
  17. #17

    This is my cat. Sometimes I call her Spepper. She is pretty cool. Hangs out and shitposts with me. I feed her sometimes and shit. Its chill as fuck.

    Glad to see you found a new cat friend Bill Krozby. Its like the one thing we have in common. Im sorry I was so mean about bubba.
  18. #18
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Casually make sure his food and water dishes are placed out in the open, casually bring him to said dishes, casually get down on your stomach and casually eat a few pieces of the food with your mouth while casually glancing at Archer, then casually lap up some of the water while again casually glancing at Archer, then casually slide away from the dishes while casually moving Archer in front of them. Casually back away as Archer sits and looks at his dishes considering what to do.

    THEN, casually do the peanut butter butthole thing just because.

    I did all that stuff except the butthole stuff. I've had pets before.
  19. #19
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    This is my cat. Sometimes I call her Spepper. She is pretty cool. Hangs out and shitposts with me. I feed her sometimes and shit. Its chill as fuck.

    Glad to see you found a new cat friend Bill Krozby. Its like the one thing we have in common. Im sorry I was so mean about bubba.

    No biggy man its all good.
  20. #20
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Get a can of tuna, casually make a sandwich and see if he smells it.

    Thanks man it worked instantly I got a can of hickory smoked tuna, mixed it with canned oysters and cat food and he went for it. It's just I gave him a couple different kinds of cat food, and I even gave him milk and corn and he just didn't want it.

    I also got eggs and bacon and canned chicken but hopefully I wont have to use that and he gets used to his new home and his normal wet / dry food. He's been a lot of fun, when I go to shower , he will stand outside the shower and chirp like a cricket, he's pretty chill just like my last cat.

    He also will plop down on his side and dig his claws into the carpet and then drag himself up further and lay there for a minute and then do it again.

    My friend is a guy of many talents and he has several cats, he used to work at a pet store and he knows a lot, he just told me that the cat may like me, but he's weirded out be his new environment.. I just figured my place where I live alone would be better than being in a cat prison with all types of people coming to bother them when they are resting.

    I just got kind of worried because he hadn't eaten the first day I got him and I started my new job the next day and I just wanted to go back to my place to make sure he was okay.
    I don't have a lot of people in my life and if this cat was to get sick I'd be pretty upset
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