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They got a beer for that

  1. #1
    Read this entire thing 23 pages for some good laughs.

    Originally posted by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0 Vyvanse water is such a motherfucking important invention and it needs to be implemented globally immediately. You mix the contents of a vyvanse capsule with water, it has no taste, it has no flavor, and it gets you high! It's just like drinking regular water! Except it gets you high! Scamming a guy with a 15mg mirtizapine tab for spice gave me a somewhat enjoyable night, though it wasn't too strong eaten this time. Some cannabinoids are obviously more orally bioavailable than other brands, unless its going to suddenly kick in hardcore in another hour but I doubt it. I'm glad I know this now anyway Green Giant is a good brand to eat because you can get truly fucked off it. Onset is 20 minutes, effects last 2-3 hours, peak is like smoking but less intense. Eating geeked up incense greatly reduces the potency but extends the duration by an hour or two.

    Besides that, I had some kava and alcohol in my body to prevent any anxiety which might have dulled the effets very slightly. I took 236 of bundy the day before yesterday with 100mg of vyvanse, then that night I kick a hole in my wall because my dad wont give me money for cigarettes. I watch august underground high on bundy and speed and it fucks me up mentally, then the next day I threaten to disembowel my parents because they wont let me buy another cigarette. Violent media truly fucks with your mind, but I guess dissociative hallucinogens don't help. Then the same day when I go to the grocery store with my dad, I convince him to buy me a thing of poppy seeds, which I try to make tea out of. He pulls it away from me and pours it out, I throw a comb at him, and I twist my moms arm when she tries to stop me from licking the tea that spilled on the table like that small amount would do anything anyway. I honestly got an effect from it, but I would chalk that up to placebo.

    Besides that I've been cracking open nerves mostly in my feet and eyebrows, feet because I don't move very much and eyebrows because I have a relatively blank facial expression most of the time. It's usually pretty easy to do but since high dose fish oil and tumeric ran out, it hasn't been implemented in my regimen and its somewhat more difficult. I almost have to learn how to walk again like I'm someone recovering from a brain injury, which might be the case, because when I was all f. weedicus dustmite sockweed I was probably inhaling lead paint combustion byproducts multiple times a day and demylineating all of my neurons. Oh well! Or it could also be the peripheral neuropathy from the starter fluid of course, which I really want to do again but quite frankly I'm scared.

    What else is going on with me? Took the GED readiness assessment, scored 99 on everything except writing, which was 71, but she didn't score my essay, most likely because it was too fuckin' OG, so I'd probably get 99 on that too. Because of that things have been going along with my parents better and my dad bought me beer. I even took like 2 of the subtests stoned. I fuck this hottie that goes to this teen acting club that I visit out of nothing-to-do-ness, I go to college, win WIN win.

    Originally posted by Bradley

    Culver's Restaurant is fast food with higher prices and better quality… OR SO THEY MUFUCKIN SAY.

    So it's near my doctor's office where I got my appointment at 330, by near I mean like right mufuckin across the street. So close even a fat butterburger eatin arthritic piece of shit can reach it.

    My ex fiance dropped me off and her not talking to me the whole car ride would normally upset me, but I got the program in me, a little bit of money and a computer to play Runescape while I have my coffee and meal. I have not been to Culver's in several years because it's basically fast food at high prices. Let's see how they introduce themselves.

    [FONT=Roboto]Not convinced.[/FONT]

    So I mainly came here because of the fact they told me on the phone they had wifi. You know I want to play Runescape and such. But let's focus on my experience.

    My ex came and picked me up and took me here. I walk in with expectations of paying high prices, thank goodness I have 13$ in my wallet. That will cover me for sure for a simple burger and coffee.

    First thing I noticed, kinda empty. Okay that's cool, I don't like being near people anyway. I look at the drinks just to see if they have the coffee out there next to the fountain soda machine. Where is it? Oh my Odin, there's no coffee out here. Then I think oh shit that's probably because they keep it fresh behind the counter. Now to focus on what I want.

    Is that really an 8 followed by a 99? For a simple burger and some fries and a drink? What the fuck? No way is that possible!

    Shit that's the fucking cheapest thing on here, I can't afford this shit. I'm not some rich butterburger loving jedi. What the fuck is my poor Odinic ass going to do? I can't go across the street to the gas station and start drinking, the program taught me that. Fuck, oh shit there's a value meal. That's more my style anyway.

    4.95 for a small fry and a butter burger single deluxe with a small drink? That's alright, I guess. I can afford to splurge a little bit, I am sober after all.

    A man comes to the cash register and is all smiles, I think he might be a down syndrome homosexual. Then I see his badge reads General Manager. Wow. This is weird, he's smiling while my bum ass tells him I'll have the Single Butter Burger Deluxe. He looks at me like wondering if I'm serious and then smiles and hands me a small soda cup. No sir, I'd like coffee please. He says Oh and looks surprised like he's never had anyone ever ask this question in his time working as a Culver's Manager apprentice.

    Then I get this bad feeling in my stomach so I ask him, "You get free refills on the coffee, right?" Obviously you do but, I want him to stop looking so motherfucking stupid at my request but he smiles with that douchey-mom-drank-when-she-was-pregnant-look and says "No we only have free refills on soda."

    What the fuck? You know how much it costs to make a god damn pot of motherfucking coffee? But I can't start swearing and get mad, my resentments make me drink and if I get kicked out, I'll have to suck a dick at the gas station to get the attendant to let me use their wifi. So I just ask him if he's serious. He apologizes again and grins at me. Okay give me the shit ass soda, and it's a small. Too-fucking-perfect, I didn't take any ibuprophen today cuz I want my doctor to see me in my full rheumatoid arthritic glory so now I get to stand up and sit down every ten minutes while I play Runescape to get more fucking soda.

    I hate soda, it's just empty sugary calories and isn't even like a shitty speed like coffee. You know who likes soda? Diabetics and children, that's fucking who. But oh well, I'll deal with it. So I go fill it up with the Root Beer that culver's has their own brand of, the shit comes out super fizzy. I'm fucking pissed now I got foam all over my hand, so I wait for the bubbles going away and this little girl is drinking sweet tea. Like she's some southern nigger loving whore. Whatever little bitch you can go in front of me, I'm waiting for the foam to go down.

    So I fill the cup up the rest of the way, here I am ready to play some motherfucking Runescape, work on my goddamn levels and maybe listen to that Arm and Hammer song at a low volume. I sit down at my table in the far corner. Where the fuck is the outlets for my charger? So I go and asked Sir Down Syndrome and he tells me that their in the ceiling next to the air vent, I shit you not he says "You can plug your computer in up there" Ya great buddy that'll really help my arthritis. I was tempted to tell his 10.25$/hr ass to get up there and plug my shit in for me like the little bitch I'd make him if I hadn't just masturbated a half hour ago before I left my house.

    So I still don't have it plugged in, just wanted to play my Runescape, so I pull it up and it has to check for updates when you load the program. I take a sip of the soda, it's fucking flat. God damn it, this flat ass fucking soda, so I go up there and my next option is Diet Root Beer, so repeat the process except that little nigger loving southern girl is ballsdeep in her artery clogged burger, I hope she chokes just so I can pretend to give her the Heimlich and stop anyone from actually helping her while I wait for her chest to stop heaving. Too my fizzy disappointment this does not occur.


    The fuck? So I try to load the other two browsers I can use to play. Same message. I try to go on Tinychat, it won't load.

    Then my food comes up, I swear to god they must have given me like 14 fries total. Not big ones either, they fit in this little paper fry bag that's smaller than my sack (when it's warm out). I like fries and some of are small so I'mma get my fingers all sticky with ketchup when I try to use the fry as a spoon to inhale the ketchup I am now forced to eat excessively to get rid of my hunger. Okay I can do that though.

    So I go and get my two little cups of ketchup and see they have horseradish sauce. THAT IS THE SOLE GOOD THING ABOUT THIS EXPERIENCE, THE FUCKING ONE PACKET OF HORSERADISH SAUCE.

    Coming back to my table I see the manager is kinda eye fucking my computer, so I say to him "What's up? You wanna watch some videos or something?"

    I mean a blow job is a blow job and it has been like a half hour. He tells me that he was looking for this little card that you set on the table that matches your receipt customer number, well I had it in my fucking pocket. So I give it to him, I was number 64. I don't really like being number 64, but I'll keep that to myself.

    Eating the burger, I found it dried out, paperthin and on the sides blackened as though it were cooked for about 15-25% too long. Buttery? Get the fuck out of here, this burger was dry as fuck. If I could have dipped it in the fucking rootbeer without being outted as a weirdo I would've. Way too much mayo on it and the lettuce was all on one side. Clearly one of these high school drop outs was putting in the effort that makes me so compelled to argue for them to deserve 15$ an hour. If I could pay him below minimum wage, I would. Run and tell that, homeboy.

    The horseysauce made the burger alot better, because I couldn't taste anything over the horseradish. The fries were too few and too small and my fingers got very ketchupy. Now there's a fat 50 year old woman with this mini vacuum vacuuming literally three feet away from me. Hey stupid bitch, I aint trying to hear that shit, how about your dumbass wipes down that fucking chair next to you that's covered in baby droll and crumbs instead of vacuuming up a floor that looks perfectly clean. I wish she would've seen that, but she left now and I said nothing. I wish I could tell everyone how I really motherfucking feel. But it's 204pm and I got an hour and a half to go.

    What really pisses me off is I dind't take a picture of the shit ass meal because I thought I'd be playing Runescape. But I'll tell you one thing, it didn't look a god damn thing like this advertisement. There's more fries outside the bag in this ad than in the fry bag for the meal I got.

    For fucks sake this is how big the bag of fries was that I had to rip into to get the little ones out.

    Overall I give the experience 2/10 on my restaurant rater and wish I would've just sucked off the gas station clerk across the street for his wifi pass and a cup of coffee.
  2. #2
    WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    I read this whole thing now Im gonna be late for work.
  3. #3
    The Culvers experience was fucking phenomenal. Bravo, Bradley.
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