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Heres some shit
2018-05-06 at 3:21 AM UTCI've been trolling the subreddit of my hometown on and off for like a year or so. At first the response was phenomenal and I got tons of replies from angry stupid college kids. But a few people really enjoy my work and give me great feedback. I started my own subreddit that I called "The official" subreddit of the school there and I got like 10 people to join and then tried to get the tech school to build me malware so I could steal bitcoin from drug dealers but no takers. The sad part is that even though there is a couple capable people at that school no one will even steal the idea. There are just too many dipshits on there, anyways I don't really troll there anymore because my awesome trolling account that was the equivalent of MITadmin except the tech school that is there got banned and it was really fun to convince people I was admin at the school. I can't believe how dumb college kids are. Anyways I stopped trolling there but I wrote a fucking essay today because I took a 10 mile bike ride and was feeling pumped so I just wrote. I was hoping to show you guys what I called my "Magnum Opus" of trolling but either I deleted it or the mods did. Anyways heres what I wrote and I would like some feedback on it and I doubt I'll get any there. Disclaimer, I admit to having schizophrenia and asbergers in there which may or may not be true. I just tell people I have asbergurs because a therapist told me I might and eye contact feels really aggressive to me and I tend to avoid it. I've also been told I have schizophrenia which I don't know if its true, I don't take medication for it anyways. So I say these things becuase its been obvious something is differant about me since the time I started interacting with people and I tend to think its aspbergs which I know on here is like "Autistic people are retards" but I don't really give a shit. I just say it so its less socially acceptable to be a dick to me and I think it might be true.
Co. Rd. XX is for cyclist only. If you're from XX and want to enjoy these vistas then you need to do it on a bicycle. NO GOD DAMN TOURISTS, its probably old people here from the XX but I'm am sick of slow ass motherfuckers on my road. If you're not from here then get a bicycle or use the interstate. Also if you pass while i'm riding my bike and don't wave I will beat you down with my baton, unless your a better bicyclists than me but your still a dick.
Finally my magnum opus has been removed, thankfully for you people I don't know if I deleted it or it was the god damn dictators on this subreddit. If it was the dictators and I find out I swear to god I am harvesting all your ip addresses and selling them to russian nazis on the dark net. Even the russian nazis who I am working on converting think I am a little aggressive and crazy so I'm adjusting my behavoir a little, but if you fucking removed it I swear to god, I got 81 ip addresses last timeand I bet I could get just as many using the same trick. Some people truly enjoy my posting, I was reading the comments and one guy said it made his and really enjoyed it. I'm sorry if some of you take it way too personally but thats your problem and I'm helping you work on it.
The thing about converting racists and anti semites is that you have to acknoledge the nuggets of truth in their arguments and resist the typical reaction of hating them and treating them like shit. Some will deny the holocust, to refute this argument you have to acknowlede that the death tolls were calculated by pre cold war America, which was even shadier and least trustworthy than cold war America, face it, we didn't win the cold war by being an outstanding moral force. Morality is not necessarily when your oppenent has none. It is my believe however than we can be a superpower and also morally outstanding, if we create a culture that values morality then when someone "wins" but sacrifices their morality then all their peers will not see it as a victory and it this way we can be both powerful and moral. That is what it means to me to be an American and I think everyone that reads this should agree that that is a good goal. I didn't join the military after high school because they were waterboarding people who didn't have a trial. Waterboarding is the result of decades of CIA research into torture all to take it right up to line and have oridinary citizens say "thats not torture" but it really is and if America does not choose to be both powerful and moral then I cannot support. It is possible to be both as long as we create a culture that has the right values.
Also, I may have deleted some of my writing because I was posting on r/s-s-s-schizophrenia, so now you know why I am the way I am. I am clinically insane, but thats alright for a couple reasons, first of all Thom Yorke from radiohead has schizophrenia or some kind of mental illness and alot of his music refrences that and even the band name radiohead, you have no idea what radiohead means until you have schizophrenia, when i'm dialed in I've gotta write something because I'm on and also the second reason, if you look at life on earth and the reason it persists through things that have killed the "Fittest" organisms (darwin never used the term "survival of the fittest and its a dumb way to explain evolution and just plain wrong) life on this planet can only be said to have one motive and that is to be diverse, diversity might just mean having enough black people to you but true diversity in humanity is diversity of thought, of which I am a proud contributer. It is diversity that has allowed life to persist through all odds and although being what I would call "one of kind" and what other mights call a weird ass motherfucker I am valuable in my odd mind and you are valueable too even though you may not be such an outlier like myself, thats ok though, its take some real guts heart and teeth to be an outlier and your life is just as valueable and probably much easier.
In conclusion, don't hate racist people and nazis, this is just a typical reaction, what we need to do is find the members of their community that have heart and show them the better path, We need strong communities for them to join and thats one thing humanity as a whole needs to work on. After we converts the one that have any heart the rest of the community will eat itself and dissolve into nothing without their most valuable members. KKK dipshits are easy, they are dumb, but there are some nazis that are out that that are a hell of a lot smarter and capable than you think. I got the idea from this black blues guitar player that has a house full of KKK robers of people that he decommissioned. The left has become weak with identity politics and political correctness, life is hard and so must you be, that is guts, but don't idolize being hard, it is just a necessity and that is all, the real hard motherfuckers are in maximum security prison and will kill in cold blood, You have to protect your heart from your hardness because it is essential and the only thing that will let you feel true freedom. Finally you must have teeth to protect your heart, you cannot let people disrepect you or walk all over you because you have more heart then them. Even if your conscience mind knows your true value interally you see yourself as having as much value as the people around you assign. When you are right, and you know in your heart you are right, be vicious and terrifying and let that aspect be so differant from your everyday self that it surprises people. When people see my anger they are surprised, because it is genuine, when I draw a line in the sand not one person has ever crossed it because I my anger is richious and vicious and terrifying, Important note, learn hand to hand combat and spar alot so you can actually win fights if you need to. I've seen more than one person choke up when they get in their first fight because you get these crazy neurochemical that can really fuck you up if you don't train yourself to operate under those conditions. I thrive under these chemical and literally feel like superman because I am stronger and faster and I honestly love it. You need to make yourself familiar with every nuerochemical that you may encounter, this is what being a psychonaut means. I cannot stress enough the importance of hand to hand combat training, turning the other cheek is fine when it comes to your ego but in the real world people are actually abused and jesus was not right to say to turn the other cheek to this. If you do not confront abusers and sadists then not only will you be a victim but they will continue their abuse on humanity, you have a responsibility to end their terror not only for yourself but for all their future victims. A proper martial arts gym is also character building and will train to be able to decide when it is time to fight and when it is time to swollow your pride. Hand to hand combat is potent information, I can kill a person with one strike and this knowledge is a responsibility and you must be a man (or women) to harness this information and use it richiously. I'm skeptical of the MMA gyms because i don't know how character building they are, plus they do all that retarded grappling shit which a proper martial artist can defeat very effectively. Everytime I flirt with a girl I also try to recruit her to do some hand to hand or carry a gun because I believe if the question of "Security versus freedom" is one that people are actually having and not just an agenda pushed on us by the media to erode our freedoms, then it is a question perpetrated by women. Security means knowing how to fight and use a gun and security cameras and network security, we can not let the goverment or police dictate what our security should because that is totalitarism. The police may protect and serve women sometimes but it harasses and imprisons men. Police go out to catch bad guys, not bad guys, this is a fact and if anyone is interested I can discuss it further with you.
Size means nothing in a fight, everyone who can make a fist thinks they can throw and punch but this is not the case, there is a technique to everything and if you know and have practiced these techniques you fuck up someone that is much bigger than you. I have fought two guys at once both of whom were bigger than me and I came out bloody but victorious because I am well trained in hand to hand combat and have sparred very skilled people thousands of time. Ju Jitsu is the best martial arts but there gyms can be rather hardcore and you may risk concussions if you spar in them. If nothing else download the marines hand to hand combat book and practice it with your friends. This book is very good and has boiled down many martial arts concepts into the most basic and useable forms. I can provide a copy of this book upon request and YES it is legal you fucking pussies. Women need this training most of all because they are just more valuable then men , I won't go into all that right now but if you look around you will know it will to be true, so women, you must protect yourself and not count on the police or other men to protect you because attackers come when you are vulnerable and alone but if you are trained it will not matter that they are bigger then you, They will underestimate you and this can be of great advantage to you.l People underestimate me sometimes because I also have asbergers and people think I am dumb and weird, I let them underestimate me because when we compete they don't know what hit them. Arrogance is not a mistake you can make against me and win and any women can use this same technique. I am not trying to recruit you to any political cause or any weird shit but just to take your security into your own hands because the men you care about will not benefit from a police force or government that is strong enough to protect you. EAT THE STATE, this means make communities so strong that it makes the goverment redundant, people that attack with greed or malice have no discipline and no character, this is no real threat to someone that is properly trained. If nothing else learn to use and carry a gun because it is an ace in the hole and your attacker deserves a cowards death which is to be shot in the back.
I'm sorry if this makes women angry but the way you were raised was detremental to your well being. You are not a princess and you are not as valuable as your daddy told you were. To be a true boy is the right way to raise a child because it makes you capable and strong. I can prove this with a story. There was a girl whos mother was an indentured servant to a man. She was raised in what was then the west and she learned all the skills the poineers had to use much like a country boy whos idol is daniel boone would learn. She learned to hunt and fish and shoot and survive the og way in the wilderness. When the revolutionary war broke out she cut her hair and taped her breasts down and pretended to be a male to join the army. She was a renounded badass among her fellow soldiers and when she was eventually shot she dug the bullet out herself. It got infected and she had to go to a doctor who found out she was a woman but it was all chill and paul revere shook her hand and told her how cool she was. In my opinion she was much cooler than paul revere or any founding fathers because any dumbass motherfucker can believe an idea enough for other people to die for but when you will die for it yourself then it has meaning. Long live the nameless men and women who died for the causes that the famous people took credit for. This women is my idol and I consider it to be part of my history even though some dipshits on the left would say "Your history is only male because you are male and vise verse" That is bullshit, my history is filled with both males and females and females should feel the same because human genetics differ by like .1% and we are all family, yah feel me cuz? Anyway, be a badass like that shit and don't get into all that girly shit like make up and looking pretty and feeling vain, boy shit is objectively way more cooler and useful and you need it to fend for yourself. I don't see how any feminist could disagree with my message, the way females are raised is wrong and it makes them weak, for my sake and the men you care about please do not count on the police or government to protect you because there are 2 million males currently imprisoned and while some of them deserve it, alot of them are there because they are poor and it makes the police money to arrest and imprison people. I have seen girls that were in possesion of methamphetamine walk away with no tickets while "the state" presses charges against me for the smallest and stupedist shit. I have been attacked for speaking my mind (and then kicked some ass) but this coward sucker punched me (Which is deadly if you know what your doing) and the state couldn't give two shits. This was an actual violent crime that the state couldn't care less about because I was male. For our sake please heed my words because I say them not only for my wellbeing but for yours, the police will take atlest 15 minutes to respond and that is enough tijme for you to be totally fucked. You've gotta take it upon yourself to take care of your security because this is the 21st century and it is time for females to enter the masculine world. The modern female world does not have its roots in ancient ways, it is new and made in the past 500 years to "protect women" from the cold and violent world that is the real world and what the masculine world is based in. Male culture has its roots in ancient ways and refects the way the world really is, We need you here in the real world and it is your natural place, it is exactly where ancient women were and those are your roots. Not this bullshit victorian recent ass european pretty vain princess world. Size and muscle doesn't matter and I have proven it but beating the shit out of men that were bigger and taller than me, although their bigger weight was fat and I'm strapped with muscle BECAUSE THATS THE WAY ANCIENT PEOPLE WERE AND THAT IS THE WAY TO BE. Ancient people were strong and we know this simply because we exist today.
This is what I tell to nazis, "Look at the jedis", some people mights be shocked and think I am a nazi when I say the jedis are very successfull, but you can find huffington post articles saying the exact same thing(which is way tooo liberal for me and I'm practiaclly a marxists). They are successfull because they make strong communities based in ancient tradition. You can be an athiest and still be a jedi because it is more than just a religion. We cannot simply copy and paste jedi culture to make ours just as strong, but we can look back to ancient people and remember and actualize what made them strong. Ancient peoples lives depended on their community and it made them strong. NO individual is strong but collectively we have conquered this entire planet and made it to suit us. Now that we do not rely on our communities anymore we have forgotten about them. Our relationships are shallow and half the time people try to bond off shit talk or having a common enemy. These are not real foundations to build relationships on, this is what boring people do because they have nothing to actually discuss. A strong foundation is made off of sharing ideas that effect the way the community functions. THis is exactly what I am doing even though most people will look at this and just say it is mad ranting. If we do not build strong communities then we will all just be facebook friends that are just there for our own vanity. I will not be your facebook friend, I will be friends with you until our death, I will be someone that you can count on with your own life or even the lives of your children. Everytime shit gets real my friends call me, I will help you no matter what it costs me, not necessarilly because you deserve it but because that is who I am and that is how I treat people and that is what I believe in. My friends in real life can be stupid shitty people but if they get in a car wreck or shit gets real and they need a fighter to have their back they call me, and it makes me proud to be me. I don't get paid back and I don't give a shit, I am acting out of principble and it would bring me shame to do anything else. I have had friends that are worthy of this but most of them are not, please do this for the people you care about and please be worthy of a friend that would do anything and even die for you because that would make the world a beautiful place. We can be even stronger than our ancient anhcestors because we choose to be this way and are not forced to do so for our own survival. But right now we just forget what makes us strong and rely the machines of society to live, these machines will someday seize to function, maybe sooner and mayber later but it will all end. Science is not a magical solution, it will not pull us out of the mess we have made, the earth cannot handle our industries and the speed at which we live our lives. If this happens in my lifetime I will be a producer of protien as I am currently working on growing colonies of crickets which are the effecient protien because they use less grass to produce the same amount of protien and release no methane. It is good for the planet and will not be effected if ou -
2018-05-06 at 3:23 AM UTCK
2018-05-06 at 3:23 AM UTC
2018-05-06 at 3:24 AM UTCNot even the decency for a tl;dr
2018-05-06 at 3:25 AM UTC
2018-05-06 at 3:26 AM UTCr industries cease to function. In fact if the planet got hotter it would save me some money cuz these bugs like to be hot and right now I have to heat them. If this happens all the people who cannot survive in the way our ancient ancestors will be eating each other and going nuts but I will be keeping people alive because I am strong and I am prepared. You are all welcome to eat my bugs if shit gets real but I will take a more active role in the leadership of the community because I do not meet many people who I respect as leaders. OF the people I have met that I do respect as leaders most have been female and this is another example of why we need you females in the real world. You have alot to add too it and you can make it better but not if subconsciously believe you are a princess and you believed your daddy when he told all boys wanted was to get into your pants. I'm a male and I do not just want to get into your pants, I want to spar with you and learn from you and make both of us stronger and smarter people. The way you were raised was a lie. men will never come to the female world because it is nothing but an illusion, you must come to the masculine world because it is real and if you come to me you can be among the great men that built this world and died nameless and poor. It is absolutely thrilling to be a man among these men, you have no idea what it is like to be a part of this giant that is humanity, there are women here too and it is where we all belong, if you die famous and rich then you are not among us, do not believe the lies of the upper class, us poor and nameless people conquered and built this world and we do not partake in the vanity that making our name known to future generations. We are the greatest humans that have ever existed and we have no name and no forture, our blood and sweat moves the world on its axis and we speak with our actions and do not persuade people to join us for money or fame. Our fortune is our honor and the chance to die a heroes death and join our childhood heroes in history. If you see money and fame as things to want then I'm afraid there is no hope for you, you will die with no honor and everything you attain will turn to dust before you even die. There is only one way to join the great men and women who we idolized as children and that is to put your blood and sweat and heart into the world and never expect anything back. Your body produces all these things when you lose then, it is obviously our function to give these things and let our body regenerate them.
Normal people crave to be differant and special. I am very special and heed my word that the only thing to crave is those beautiful times when your mind is synchronized with another human, even if is from a book from a dead author. These are the times when you are truly not alone. I don't hate you for wanting to be differant and special and then calling differant and special people "weird and creepy" because I know that all meaning for a human is in contrast. We can only experience joy as a contrast to suffering, this is why the idea of heaven is flawed and no human could be a part of it. You should rejoice when you suffer because it will mean you will be able to experience greater joy when the suffering ends. If you are normal and crave to be differant and special you can experience this, just find a popular person who everyone likes and find something to disagree with them about, preferable something they are actually wrong about. You will see the cliques form agaqinst you and you will experience what you need to understand about being special. These popular people are popular for a reason sometimes, some people have beautiful natures, sometimes I am mean to these people and hit them in their vulnerable spots, they will not like me for it, but I give them a valuable experience that makes them stronger because they are surrounded by yes men and someone needs to be real with them, I do it because I care about them and you can too, the only thing that keeps you a normal person is these absurd social contracts that dictate who is popular and who is weird/special. This is the time of the losers and the weirdos, tear up those contracts and quit acting the way you have been programmed too and start acting with purpose. You can hate racists like a normal person, or you can act with purpose and forget your kneejerk reactions and actually dismatle racist communities. You have been programmed to be normal and if you crave to be special then I urge you to join me and shed all of your emotions and act with an actual clear mind. You are special but social obligations have rounded off your edges and the most important part of you. I have seen this so many times in real life and especially on this subreddit, the cliques, the cliques that think they can win because they all have grouped together to decide what the truth is. This will never win, your cliques are weak and will fall apart in a short amount of time with me doing nothing to you. The only way to win is to have the better argument or to be the better fighter, your small group of people that stick together because they feel safer is nothing but an atom in the infinite cosmos. What I am and what I create is original and genuine and sinsere, you cannot beat these things because your small group of people do not respect them. I am a man among the men that built this world and I will not be defeate4d except by a better man or woman with bette4r ideas. This is not an easy thing to do, I am a thinker and observered, you cannot beat me because you want to win, you can only beat me with a genuine and insatiable curiousity into the world and humanity and wish that you are blessed with these and that you do beat me, because when I lose, I learn and nothing is more valuable than that. I see plenty of people that are more smart in the book sense than me but they cannot observe or think with the same passion I have because their conditioning has intellectually neutered them. Imigine what it is like to read neatzche (to me the strongest writer of all time) and think, "I reached that same thought all on my own(even though I cannot express it nearly as well) I hope that you can experience this and appreciate what it means to not be alone, until you normal people embrace what is truly valuable (not being alone) our communities will be weak. To be special and unique is a burden and honestly unless your genetics made you that way from childhood you just can't fucking handle it. I move through the atmostphere and recieve the full brunt of the friction that means, you are in a group and probably in the middle of that group and are protected, I have been preparing for this friction since I was born and you need other people because life has not made you strong enough to stand alone. So either be special like you are which will be hard as fuck, or quit treating special people like shit. Special people are like a beautiful mind shit, we are a pain in the ass that operate without the same restrictions as you, you do not understand it and you do not like it because your peers have trained to sign every social obligation put in front of you so you can be part of the group. Beauty will come from being special but not without first much pain and suffering and ESPECIALLY BEING ISOLATED AS FUCK. You can be an outlier but it will be hard and your first mission is to find a popular person who has a beautiful nature and hit them in their vulnerable spots (they will have many because EVERYONE is nice to them and never mentions where they are weak) do this because it makes this beautiful person stronger and it will tear up your first bullshit social contract and you will be acting with purpose instead of just having your respect bought and sold and now your respect will actually mean something. Treat everyone with a baseline respect but do not actually respect anyone that you would not trust with your life, and your childrens life, there are few people out but this will be your first exercize in isolation. PLus you can trust me, even if you don't deserve it I will die for you because it will give me an honorable heroes death.
So this has turned into quite the typing escape but I know a handleful of people enjoy these and I swear to god it is worth the read, you will never read another thing like it. I may not have all the answers but I know I asking the right questions.
You may say like on this star wars thread "What does this have to do with XX?" Well XX is where I live and I'm trying to make a strong community out of it even thought most of you are just passing through and will not stay here. You can ignore me but my words have meaning and I doubt you will stumble upon that meaning yourself, not because you are not smart or capable, but because you are normal and you will never go to a place that does not have a trail through it. I left the trail and made the wilderness my home and you cannot deny the value of something genuine or origihal. If you liked this wait until I am finished with my album, its rock music and and its the best of best of what I can play, and it sounds professional as fuck, I imitate jazz guitarsist(who are the best guitar players) but I simplify it way the fuck down like curt cobaine style and make some real original rock out of it just like curt cobaine. I'm going to go out of state to put a band together to actually finish the album but I will send it back to XX for them to play. Hopefully they will play it because I've been listening to XX since I was 16 and now I'm probably a couple years older than the dj's. Anyways its going to be some bomb ass shit, I've already been working on it for like 2 years and it will probably take another 2 years to completely finish but it will be real rock and roll, no computers no pedals no covers, all original ass hardcore shit that the world hasn't heard since rock went indie and soft as shit.
sorry I don't use paragraphs well but all the times there was a break in my thoughts and I felt like I needed a new paragraph i made one and it just dxoest happen that often.
As always, fuck the mods and moltov everything
Sp what do you think, I wrote this in like an hour and don't really know if it is mad ranting or something worthwhile, it felt good to write anyways. I edited everything that would give away the name of the town but someone could still probably figure it out but whatever, its just where I'm from and I don't live there anymore. -
2018-05-06 at 3:30 AM UTCYeah my wall of text wasn't done, I apologize for not using paragraphs at the end. I don't get it, am I the asshole or is someone else the asshole? I write a ton of shit like this all the time and half the time it gets deleted, it feels good to write and it inspires me a little when I write it. You don't have to read it so don't act like I'm putting you out, I read all of that in 3-4 minutes when I was editing it so maybe you are just a pussy.
2018-05-06 at 3:35 AM UTC
Originally posted by Madman Yeah my wall of text wasn't done, I apologize for not using paragraphs at the end. I don't get it, am I the asshole or is someone else the asshole? I write a ton of shit like this all the time and half the time it gets deleted, it feels good to write and it inspires me a little when I write it. You don't have to read it so don't act like I'm putting you out, I read all of that in 3-4 minutes when I was editing it so maybe you are just a pussy.
Yes. You're the asshole for writing this novel that I'm not sure is worth diving into. -
2018-05-06 at 3:39 AM UTC
Originally posted by Madman Yeah my wall of text wasn't done, I apologize for not using paragraphs at the end. I don't get it, am I the asshole or is someone else the asshole? I write a ton of shit like this all the time and half the time it gets deleted, it feels good to write and it inspires me a little when I write it. You don't have to read it so don't act like I'm putting you out, I read all of that in 3-4 minutes when I was editing it so maybe you are just a pussy.
Also, I don't do meth, so it'll take me a little longer than a few minutes. And, if you had a few little boys running around you'd understand. There have been days when I have tried to watch one movie all day long and not even get to finish it. -
2018-05-06 at 3:39 AM UTC
2018-05-06 at 4:54 AM UTCLiterally no one is going to read all of that. What a waste of time. So sad.
2018-05-06 at 4:57 AM UTCAnd then call the single person even tentatively showing the slightest bit of interest a pussy for not reading it in a few minutes. The only reason you read it that quickly is because you already know what it says. You were just skimming it for errors. Anybody else would have to actually read through it and comprehend what they're reading. I don't care how fast you read; that's not happening in a few minutes. Autist motherfucker.
2018-05-06 at 5:58 AM UTClol you read part of it, I thought this was niggas in space and saying fuck you and calling someone pussy wasn't really personal. I like hamp, I think hes a decent guy and I called anyone in general a pussy that can't read it because its not a fucking novel, I wrote it in like 45 minutes and anyone who is decent at reading can read it in five. You write that much and see how much of it you remember at the end of it. Hamps a good guy and I may have called him a pussy because we aren't bitches here and take shit personally. I've never really liked you though and when I call you a pussy you can feel free to take it personally if you want. I've got the balls to admit I probably have asbergers, which is a pretty damn high functioning form of autism, guess what, I also love jedis and I'm a fucking commie, fuck your right wing bullshit, my left wing anarchist crew would fuck any movement or person on the right up. Left wing commie ass anarchists have been around for a long time and we know how to do shit, your right wing shit is brand new and only around because "I"m tired of the left and now I like the right" seriously the only reason the right wing has any weight is because of REPUBLICANS, not your young ass libertarian anarcho capitalist bullshit. Republicans are so god damn retarded, they literally put obama in office because they were so easy to make fun of by left wing propaganda like colbert and jon stewart, if that propaganda was still around to the same caliber trump wouldn't be in office. You got a problem with me being autistic fuck you bitch, You think I didn't edit that out on purpose? you think I don't know what that means on here? I'm also like half native american and I fucking love jedis. Fuck you nigga, i'll stomp your ass in any debate about any of the aformentioned topics, I'm making a stand because I want to know how EVERYone feels about the right wing nazi shit on this site because if everyone supports its I'll leave but not before I spread around my commie propaganda , its called asbergers motherfucking, its highly functioning and its why I can play the guitar like a professional and make better music than you could ever dream about. I make music, I make culture and that culture isn't welcoming to shithead like you. I put on shows like its the last punk show in in 1989 and its all hardcore original genuine rock and roll with no computers or pedals, only an overdrive chanel through a beast ass marshal that will make the hairs on your necki stand up. Seriously come at me again with that lazy ass one liner shit, you only do that because you think everyone here is a hive mind is going to have your bakc, I say lets see, who here is a new age right winger? and who here thinks autism is a dirty word? Omong those that do, can you trip like I do?
You need to change your user name because A.spirits don't exist and B. your a piece of shit right winger and you never even pretend to be spiritual, I can put up with it with dirty hippies because they create inclusive communities but from you? Naw man, you know you have no spirit and you've taken acid too many times and are probably a little spacey.
Also I'm not on speed, I took a long bike ride after sitting around all winter and got a great dopamine boost, thats what beaing a psychonaut means to me, its all about the natural neurochemicals because you're not exploring anything with drugs because its all been done before. I've got on nuerochemistry and can get pretty high off natural chemicals from doing shit. One time a girl was giving me them eyes and I went over and sat right next too her, touching her, and it was better than a hit a of heroin, that was way outside my typical behavior because I don't touch girl unless I ask first, a girl did the same thing to me once so I tried it out on someone else. How many times have girls approached you in your life? Because not counting giving me them eyes I've been catcalled or approached atleast 8 times and fucked everyone of them. So how bout that, also I can pass for native american or white, I've got very braod cheek bones, dark hair, and a permanent tan, so how bout that? How does your white ass genetics compare to that? On my other side I'm fucking german master race and built like a motherfucker, like ive said before, nobody, especially weak ass short fucking white mother fuckers call my bluffs ever, I draw a line in the sand and no single white man has ever crossed it, a black guy or two, but never a white guy. I don't get why you think whites are so great, most of them are short and small and probably have small dicks, I have to be careful when I fuck girls because my dick will hurt them and I can't even put it all the way in. So tell me again whats so fucking great about being you or whats so fucking terrible about being autistic? Because all I get from the people that matter, pretty girls, is 'Youre so smart" "Your so good at guitar" "Your dick is big" and my favorite "your not like other guys" I put the bar higher when I get with a girl and then your weak ass game probably doesn't work on them.
Again fuck you, please come at again with that weak ass shit because like I said I didn't post this here on accident, I'm seeing what everyones true colors are because I'm sick of getting into moral arguments and then them saying "I have no morals I"m a nazi" which has LITERALLY happened. I'm changing whats ok here or I'm leaving. -
2018-05-06 at 8:09 AM UTC
Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery And then call the single person even tentatively showing the slightest bit of interest a pussy for not reading it in a few minutes. The only reason you read it that quickly is because you already know what it says. You were just skimming it for errors. Anybody else would have to actually read through it and comprehend what they're reading. I don't care how fast you read; that's not happening in a few minutes. Autist motherfucker.
Simmer down, now. It's not like he spilled your coffee. He's just on some different drugs, ya dig?
You used to throw some walls up every now and then, as I recall.
Let he without stones cast a man the sin. -
2018-05-06 at 8:17 AM UTCI registered an account on behalf of my city in its designated subreddit. Oddly enough, the official city name wasn't taken as a username. They made me a moderator and I occasionally post legit local news just to build credibility. I haven't decided what to do with it yet aside from warning people when there are DUI checkpoints.
2018-05-06 at 8:26 AM UTC
Originally posted by Zanick I registered an account on behalf of my city in its designated subreddit. Oddly enough, the official city name wasn't taken as a username. They made me a moderator and I occasionally post legit local news just to build credibility. I haven't decided what to do with it yet aside from warning people when there are DUI checkpoints.
If Reddit wasn't a shithole I would post there.
This is the shithole I've chosen. -
2018-05-06 at 9:34 AM UTCthe secret to being a good author is you have to capture their imagination on the first page. i got bored by line 10.
. -
2018-05-06 at 9:41 AM UTC
2018-05-07 at 9:46 PM UTCNo the secret to being a good author is making a good title, they say "You can't judge a book by its cover" but if you can't make a title that draws me in why the fuck should I believe you can write a book? Also it wasn't meth, it was some brown shards molly.