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  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I live in an area near the university that is chalk full of lesbos. my next door neighbors are lesbos and its whatever, they can do whatever they want. I've even met one of the girls mom and she was really cool to me, and the girl was really pretty and cute, her gf, wears huge dorky glasses wears flannel and shorts and boots and has a shaved head.. then the other one started shaving her head. But the one thats "the man" when they first moved here, I saw her walking to the store on the same block as me, and I was just being friendly and was like "hey whats up?" and she acted like I didn't even exist. and every time I see her, she does the same thing, I don't even try to say hi anymore Her gf will talk to me and be nice...

    Then I have this neighbor, and because I'm a stupid drunk (this is the girl I mentioned 8 months ago that I was very afraid I got pregnant) I was hanging with her and she was real sweet at first, but quickly became a vapid whore. I was holding a beer *baiting her* and she snatched it from my hand as if she's some kind of punk rawk prom queen trying to be edgy. We went to her room and we started arguing about how she hates that I have a kid and bit my lip and i started bleeding, I tried to act cool about it and mentioned "hey you fucking bit my lip" and she said bullshit you pussy, so I slapped her and left.

    Then there is this girl who's place I went to the other night that lives about 4 blocks away. (she's kinda chunky, I don't know her name or how I even got her number, and barely remember what she looks like) she gave me an apartment number and address, and my gps took me to a house that was next to some apartments so I called her and asked her what the deal is (my google gps can be off a bit) and she told me if I have that much of a cognitive defect that she's not interested in hanging with me. (it was dark out and I couldnt see the addresses) I realize they turned a house into an "apartment" and found her. She was nice for a while and offered me some weed. But started complaining I smell like vomit, I went and washed my beard off and she gave me a lap dance and we laid in her bed for awhile and talked. I ent up leaving because I could tell she was kind of aggro.

    I invited her over to my place tonight, ( i think because I'm bored) she said she will need to take an hour longer to comeover (which is fine with me) because she can't drive because she just smoked... It's like you need to drive your car 4 blocks? she said the only reason why she invited me over last time was because she was tired from moving.. but told me she wants to check out my place tonight. shits really weird

  2. #2
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>so I slapped her and left.[/greentext]

    Kek, well she certainly had it coming.
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