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Fonaplats' Thrilling Thursday 4/26

  1. #21
    Now my avatar finally represents me.
  2. #22
    Im not going to try and relive the past.
    Kinkou knows she will always be there.
    In the past that is.
  3. #23
    It’s good that you’re moving on. You don’t need this place. You don’t need anyone. Keep going forward fona! Never look back!
  4. #24
    Thank you for believing in me.
    I shall write my suicide note now.
  5. #25
    Post it ITT
  6. #26
    By "my suicide note" I mean a note I will write urging you all to commit suicide
  7. #27
    Are you a malice alt
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Fonaplats urging you all to commit suicide

    Bich, I'll make your own hand kill you.
  9. #29
    Originally posted by Slaynk Bich, I'll make your own hand kill you.

    Meet me at the food pantry brah.
  10. #30
    m30wz Yung Blood
    I’d be honored to have a note written for me.
  11. #31
    Originally posted by m30wz I’d be honored to have a note written for me.

    Get fucked random new person
  12. #32
    m30wz Yung Blood
    Please tell me how 2 suicide.
  13. #33
    You’re mean lately. I liked the old fona better
  14. #34
    Originally posted by Fox Paws You’re mean lately. I liked the old fona better

    I am sorry I forgot to take my pills today
  15. #35
    I have to go to work now guys.
    I will try and find a way to find time for you all in my life.
  16. #36
    I love you all.
    Sorry if I was mean today.
    Its just....
  17. #37
    Its not my fault.
    I just have better things to do now.
  18. #38
    told ya, you would burn out.

    Originally posted by Something Squirrel Don't forget to listen to no agenda
  19. #39
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel told ya, you would burn out.

    I am not burnt out.
    I have just ignited something way more flammable.
    My passion for success.
  20. #40
    I came into work 30 minutes early just to pretend I am important.
    I'm going to have another great day.
    And I did take my pills.
    I do apologize for my hurtful words earlier.
    I love my life.
    Hope everyone has a great day.
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