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If I ever end up meeting someone from NIS when I go to America...

  1. #41
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    what the hell is going on here
  2. #42
    Kafka sweaty
    The first time I met someone off the internet I wore these. It was in an alleyway we just hugged said hey and I had the glasses to avoid eye contact. Then we went to a field to smoke weed so the anxiety went away.

  3. #43
    Kafka sweaty
    I don't have an eye contact problem anymore...
  4. #44
    Kafka sweaty
    The second person I met we went to TGI Fridays and I took tabs with my gin at the table, think it was Diazepam.
  5. #45
    Ghost Black Hole
    just a small town girl.... or go RIGHT for the pussy
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