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having friends who are girls is important

  1. #1
    im just saying because a lot of guys i know dont really realize this. when i was in high school i had a lot of friends who were girls id smoke weed with but i didnt have sex with/pursue most of them (except for a couple), and because of this i got used to talking to girls in a normal manner.

    some of my friends now who didnt have this same experience (i guess) still see girls as just things to fuck. they think that every single time a girl wants to chill, it means shes looking to hook up, girls will only talk to you if they want your dick, etc. now i know a few of you are yelling at your computer monitor calling me a pussy because some of your fragile little egos are so invested in this idea that women are for sex and thats it (unstable matter), that me making this thread is basically like spitting in your face, but let me tell you something else.

    not only is it important because you should at least have the decency to at least give the chance to respect anyone that you might meet, including females, its important because a lot of girls wont want to fuck you, ever, but they might be really chill otherwise and you could have missed out on a really good friendship. also those girls have friends who, if youre a decent person, theyd probably hook you up with. also, my friends with that fratboy mentality of just wanting to fuck girls and thats it aren't really good at talking to women. they may be good at flirting, but they have nothing of substance to talk about with women.

    it almost seems to me that they have some sort of mystical view of women as these weird little fuck machines that bestow their bodies on those they deem worthy enough, not as sentient humans who desire normal things other than sex. like in lesbian porn when the women are moaning so loudly and fake.

    anyways, i just think its a shitty way to be. i think you cheat yourself out of having female friendships, and also get less sex in the long run. and the girls you do get to fuck are just horny. theyll never respect you because you dont respect them anyways.
  2. #2
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Women will entice you to sin and have a multitude of biological predispositions that will to your corruption and covert harm.
  3. #3
    They ARE just things to fuck, you've just been brainwashed into thinking they're not.

    But the guys who have a one track mind and don't know how to talk to women because they've never been friends with them, they'll grow out of that shit when they hit their mid to late '20s anyway.
  4. #4
    Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Once in my youth I was with some dudes and a bro was like man you can never have too many chicks man. So I got more hoes and then I realized I was getting too soft so I got more bros. Now I got more hoes and bros than I know what to do with so I just slap them when they get too clingy. True story.
  5. #5
    Malice and Enter - two guys who never had friends who are girls

    ajax idk what your shit means sorry
  6. #6
    Girls are pretty much the only people I talk to regularly, and literally the only things they ever talk about are their failing relationships and how they want to kill themselves. Which is fine, because listening to people is all I'm good at... but I can't really do anything to help them. And I want to kill myself too. Girls are alright. I mean, I don't have friends at all... but the girls I talk to are all nice people. I have no interest in fucking anybody, so life is pretty easy. I wouldn't say having female friends is particularly important, but then again I wouldn't say having friends is important in general. I don't know why I'm writing this post. Essentially females are human and I'm bisexual, so I treat them the same as I do everyone else. I'm mildly flirty and mostly a goof. Life is good. People are good. I want to die.
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    im just saying because a lot of guys i know dont really realize this. when i was in high school i had a lot of friends who were girls id smoke weed with but i didnt have sex with/pursue most of them (except for a couple), and because of this i got used to talking to girls in a normal manner.

    some of my friends now who didnt have this same experience (i guess) still see girls as just things to fuck. they think that every single time a girl wants to chill, it means shes looking to hook up, girls will only talk to you if they want your dick, etc. now i know a few of you are yelling at your computer monitor calling me a pussy because some of your fragile little egos are so invested in this idea that women are for sex and thats it (unstable matter), that me making this thread is basically like spitting in your face, but let me tell you something else.

    not only is it important because you should at least have the decency to at least give the chance to respect anyone that you might meet, including females, its important because a lot of girls wont want to fuck you, ever, but they might be really chill otherwise and you could have missed out on a really good friendship. also those girls have friends who, if youre a decent person, theyd probably hook you up with. also, my friends with that fratboy mentality of just wanting to fuck girls and thats it aren't really good at talking to women. they may be good at flirting, but they have nothing of substance to talk about with women.

    it almost seems to me that they have some sort of mystical view of women as these weird little fuck machines that bestow their bodies on those they deem worthy enough, not as sentient humans who desire normal things other than sex. like in lesbian porn when the women are moaning so loudly and fake.

    anyways, i just think its a shitty way to be. i think you cheat yourself out of having female friendships, and also get less sex in the long run. and the girls you do get to fuck are just horny. theyll never respect you because you dont respect them anyways.

    having girls for friends really isn't important at all, at least not to me.

    I saw this one girl several times a while back and she would want to sleep over at my place, watch movies with me, she would take me out to dinner, but didn't want to have sex with me, which was kind of strange because I wouldn't say she was above me at all, but at the same time she would ask me If I've been hanging out with other girls.

    a lot of girls are opportunistic bitches, that just like male attention.

    but seriously, I've hung out with girls and would just talk and stuff like that, but that wasn't good enough for them, they wanted sex from me, that or they are just co-workers.
    I work with a girl, who I have no interest in except that we like punching and kicking each other. The other day when I came into work before she was leaving, she came up behind me shoved me and I hit into the wall and the phone fell off the wall. I didn't say anything, but when she came in later that night on her rollerskates, I kicked her in the ass pretty hard and she fell down , it was pretty funny, she didn't say shit except "fuck you, asshole" but she's a good sport, she's actually trying to look out for a position at a bar for me.

    It's just a rare thing for me to want to hang out with a girl that isn't going to have sex with me.

    I have no problems talking to girls normally, I do it all the time, it's just in general most people aren't worth being friends with

  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    but seriously, I've hung out with girls and would just talk and stuff like that, but that wasn't good enough for them, they wanted sex from me, that or they are just co-workers.
    I work with a girl, who I have no interest in except that we like punching and kicking each other. The other day when I came into work before she was leaving, she came up behind me shoved me and I hit into the wall and the phone fell off the wall. I didn't say anything, but when she came in later that night on her rollerskates, I kicked her in the ass pretty hard and she fell down , it was pretty funny, she didn't say shit except "fuck you, asshole" but she's a good sport, she's actually trying to look out for a position at a bar for me.

    But yeah, for the most part girls that I was friends with were just co-workers and were only my friends while I worked there. My daughters mom was my friend for awhile but at the same time we had sex. never really had a girl that was my friend that I would go chill with that I wasn't having sex with
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Malice and Enter - two guys who never had friends who are girls

    ajax idk what your shit means sorry

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