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  1. #1
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Came across some MXE recently, gonna take some either tomorrow evening or this weekend. Read some trip reports but I'd be interested in hearing what I should expect from yall niggas. I'm not real big on dissociatives but my experience is pretty limited and the psychedelic effects are more interesting to me so I'm definitely going in with an open mind.
  2. #2
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    The only time I ever had some of this stuff, it was a free sample when I ordered some other stuff. It was a fat sample, like half a gram. I gave it away, because I wasn't really that interested in it, and the people I gave it to started bugging me about it 'that was the best fucking shit ever, what was it' and all this stuff. For some reason I cut all ties with that person, and I don't know what ever happened with them. I still have his business card, though.
  3. #3
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I think I probably stopped talking to him after he asked what it was, after I already told him. I have no tolerance for people like that.
  4. #4
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Haha, well I guess that's a positive review?

    What was the other stuff you ordered?
  5. #5
    I've had MXE before, it's kinda like a cleaner version of bundy but still pretty dirty feeling. I really don't like the stuff, it is nice in small amounts, especially with weed or something. I took 300mg once sublingually and went into hyperspace, woke up with the worst hangover of my life. That was an awful, awful time. I do not like MXE.
  6. #6
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Haha, well I guess that's a positive review?

    What was the other stuff you ordered?

    I forget, probably some methylone, this was back when it was still able to be imported.
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's like ketamine's little brother with ADHD. I like it a lot, prone to binging in my experience. Also start low and keep dosing low, it has a pretty steep dose response curve. Oh and make sure you have like 14 hours to spare because this shit takes long to wear off.
  8. #8
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Combine it with one of your LSD analogs one day, it's supposed to be something special, a really great and powerful psychedelic combination with nice synergies.
  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Combine it with one of your LSD analogs one day, it's supposed to be something special, a really great and powerful psychedelic combination with nice synergies.

    "One day" being key here. I'd advice against it for the first two or three times you do MXE since it can be quite overwhelming on it's own.
  10. #10
    MXE is fun. I do just bumps while I'm smoking weed. I don't really enjoy the effects from doing a lot. But doing just a little bit still gets you high as fuck. I usually do 10-15 mg bumps, start with a couple 15 minutes apart, then just go every hour or two from there. The high is hard to describe. It's like feeling drunk but stimulated at the same time in a strage psychedelicish mindstate.
  11. #11
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Sounds dangerous if you ask me.
  12. #12
    It's closer to 3meo-PCE than Ketamine which is appealing to me. I really wanna try it. I got E but want meff but after that all I want is weed and MXE, and nitrous maybe.

    I once read a description of MXE as "one of those drugs you can easily go nuts on, I can totally end up running down the street naked screaming if I'm not careful".

  13. #13
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Well this is definitely an interesting experience so far. And by interesting I mean weird as shit.
  14. #14
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well this is definitely an interesting experience so far. And by interesting I mean weird as shit.

    Take another 50mg and try posting then, i bet you can't. Lulz.
  15. #15
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Take another 50mg and try posting then, i bet you can't. Lulz.

    Pass on that blood. But also pass on everything, jesus, I've never not cared about anything as much as I don't care about anything right now. I was gonna be like "this isn't fun" but then it's definitely not not fun.

    This would be a good drug to give to people with terminal diseases I guess because no one would mind that they were going to die.
  16. #16
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Pass on that blood. But also pass on everything, jesus, I've never not cared about anything as much as I don't care about anything right now. I was gonna be like "this isn't fun" but then it's definitely not not fun.

    This would be a good drug to give to people with terminal diseases I guess because no one would mind that they were going to die.

    MXE was developed by a dude who lost a limb and had phantom pain ever since. Nothing worked so he set out to create a medication that would what he ended up with was 4-MeO-PCP and Methoxetamine. Needless to say it worked and he has been swimming in drugs and money ever since.

    Video unrelated.

  17. #17
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    MXE was developed by a dude who lost a limb and had phantom pain ever since. Nothing worked so he set out to create a medication that would what he ended up with was 4-MeO-PCP and Methoxetamine. Needless to say it worked and he has been swimming in drugs and money ever since.

    So I googled phantom-limb MXE man and came to a vice article which mentioned a "cortical homunculus" and now I'm reading a wiki article about that and looking at pictures. It's a good thing nothing can faze me at the moment because otherwise I'd be freaked out by what grotesque flesh machines humans are.
  18. #18
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So I googled phantom-limb MXE man and came to a vice article which mentioned a "cortical homunculus" and now I'm reading a wiki article about that and looking at pictures. It's a good thing nothing can faze me at the moment because otherwise I'd be freaked out by what grotesque flesh machines humans are.

    Grotesque? If everything is in working order grotesque would not be the way i'd describe the human body. It's quite the feat of engineering, millions of systems finely tuned and in synch to produce the being that is you, all your thoughts and dreams and memories and hopes. It's quite poetic in a sense, think about it. Human beings are the single most complex beings in The Universe as far as we're aware. That's pretty special.

    Did you end up reading the article about the guy who invented MXE?
  19. #19
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    I did. Well, it was an interview supposedly. Funny how pommy a person can still sound in text.
  20. #20
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I did. Well, it was an interview supposedly. Funny how pommy a person can still sound in text.

    Word. Man i wish i had MXE right now.
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