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Alex Jones Flip Flops

  1. #1
    I knew if I waited it would cycle back and he contradicted himself.

    He is talking live (22 hours ago) stream about Tivo boxes had Cameras and mics, and how he told everyone it existed 20 years ago (that and cable)

    But he stated Tivo in fact didn't have the Mic nor Camera and doubted it. No he's lying. And he said he told people in 1997 that Cable TV was going to have Cameras and Mics... But I myself knew this while working for Western Cable (Bought by Viacom bought by Comcast) in which my class from Junior College (1984)was the first in the nation to work with fiber optics in an ROP install program at School.

    And I wrote emails to Alex about this before he brought it up back around 2001 and told me it's old news. But I sent him a gif of the microphone and the camera (seen with my HD IR-enhancemented camera that cost me 1300 bucks for back then)

    I busted Comcast.. they first denied it then told me it used a special algorithm software that used the mic and camera only to allow an AI like software identify people and no person would be watching it.

    LIES! because then came the NSA reports of just that.

    He steals thunder and takes credit of every story out there with his special investigative team and FBI stoolies . what a fibber that fat fuck is.. and he sales his fat fucking snake oil.

    Fuck all of you. I'm sick of everyone. Alex Jones is a personal friend and CIA agent of Jeff Hunter who was paid by the CIA for a 20 year research on online human behavioral watch.

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