Originally posted by A College Professor
colorado used to be cool, in recent days denver and colorado springs have cucked the rest of the geographical state. it is pretty sad watching people bolt their identity onto weed.
I don't want people assuming I'm that stereotypical stoner type just because weed is my life
it has been part of my world for a looong time, when I was 15 I would spend hours reading all my stoner magazines, staring at the pictures and wondering what the experience was like ... then I went through a ton of bad stuff during my late teens and 20s and now I'm left with a physical state that renders me basically anhedonic being high is the only way I can enjoy living anymore.
It's like, sober I feel like everything is black and white then weed brings the color to live, as cheesy as that sounds it's also true in the literal sense it makes colors so vivid and spectacular
marijuana is a major part of my life for the moment I live for it
If people want to become cannataku, then so be it that is their right as beings that had the lucky chance of coming into existence.