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The "Do rainbows exist objectively?" thread is pissing me the fuck off.

  1. #21
    Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    we must revive the project of separating idealist proofs for the existence of an external world from realist ones and it must take place right here
  2. #22
    Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    Shit like this is why hippies piss me off.
  3. #23
    Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    we need a generation of slaughter to enhancement out most of the human garbage alive today
  4. #24
    Originally posted by Zanick we need a generation of slaughter to enhancement out most of the human garbage alive today

    I have always been a proponent of a good culling.
  5. #25
    Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    WWIII when?
  6. #26
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Hate is an illusion

    Does hate objectively exist?
  7. #27
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Zanick we need a generation of slaughter to enhancement out most of the human garbage alive today

    Show me on this doll where your sister touched you.
  8. #28

    Seen heckling a gay pride rally.
    Sign translates to something like "hey faggots give the rainbow back to children".
    I think we can all agree on that.
  9. #29
    Originally posted by Issue313
    Seen heckling a gay pride rally.
    Sign translates to something like "hey faggots give the rainbow back to children".
    I think we can all agree on that.

    Her parents obviously put her up to it. Children lack the mental autonomy to make their own choices
  10. #30
    Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    Originally posted by Issue313
    Seen heckling a gay pride rally.
    Sign translates to something like "hey faggots give the rainbow back to children".
    I think we can all agree on that.

    I hate this shit. I don't care about gays but when they become obnoxious about being gay that's when they get annoying. Then all these virtue signaling shit parents force their kids to do shit like in the picture and when those kids grow up they end up rebeling and turning into homophobes or joining some alt-right meme.
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