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I have a nutmeg dealer

  1. #1
    You wot m8
  2. #2
    RestStop Space Nigga
    I've honestly considered starting an onion site to cater to those who only seem able to obtain pseudo/rc drugs. Though I suppose those type of people probably couldn't figure out how to obtain bitcoin either so...kind of a catch 22 there..
  3. #3
    The day before yesterday I drank 16 ounces of cough medicine and when I was in the backyard smoking a cig on the ground I heard my dealer next door and I went over and hung out with people on 1000mg of bundy while drinking beers, and them repeatedly telling me I should go lay down. I went home and grabbed like soda cans, walked around my neighborhood on a 4th plateau to the grocery store like ten blocks away, and cashed in cans to get some change. I only had 40 cents and I gave it to the cashier and walked out with a whipped cream can and did a blast of nitrous in front of the store which I don't remember. Then I dissociated in the dark for a bunch of hours and went to bed. Yesterday I tried to buy a bottle of cough syrup but got kicked out of the store for buying it every day so I bought it from another store,where I got 1000mg. I hung out with the guy and we drank a bunch of shots while I was peaking on my fourth plateau and everything looked one dimensional. I for some reason I don't remember ended up getting in a car with some Mexican guy I never met and driving around the neighborhood, and I felt like I was zooming through space. Then for going in the car with the guy, my dealer gave me a crack pipe filled with 200$ of used crack gunk and a cup full of nutmeg. I broke my lighter smoking crack and felt like my computer was manipulating my thoughts and wrote a few thousand word rants, so then I started smoking it by putting the crack pipe on a stove and I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack. Today I'm eating through the nutmeg, hoping it'll get me high this time.
  4. #4
    that reminds me of the time I ate dog shit and licked door knobs cause I wanted a fever dream...
  5. #5
    jesus christ dude you are a mess
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Sploo you should just be a nut dealer, I'm sure you'd be great at it.
  7. #7
    I should spend my last $20 on nutmeg. But I want Benzedrex and bundy. They don't seem to mind me only buying beedrill and bundy but I have a feeling they will look at me strange if I go into the health food store and throw down some nutleg lololol
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