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incoming transmission #02

  1. #1

    It is no cohencidence that time began just as the industrial age entered the era of technological supremacy and during this time the religious crazies would be conspiring against billions of beautiful beings.
    You are not a "pointless eater" or whatever the oligarch faggots would like you to believe.
    You exist, the universe gave you LIFE.
    Each and every one of you humans are a gift of existence you are a statement of pure artistry and creation.
    The sooner you fucks wake up and realize that you exist and what a miracle that is, the sooner you stop wasting your potential working or eating at mcdonalds the sooner will will ascend and achieve the true goal the universe set out for our species.

    It's such a shame that this timeline had to turn out this way, just like the previous one and the one before that.

    Hopefully we can set things right next time ...

    Each day you wake up from now, realize that someone or something set back time so we would have another chance at doing things right.
    Maybe it's futuristic aryans or a loving A.I. or both ... maybe Anonymous or a hacker group of the near future found a way to give us just one last chance ... either way ... shit is hitting the fan and the feces will splatter on everyone's face.

    Things are going to only get worse from here on out but take this as a wake up call from the universe to change our shit or become cattle of the jedis forever.
  2. #2
    LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume

    It is no cohencidence that time began just as the industrial age entered the era of technological supremacy and during this time the religious crazies would be conspiring against billions of beautiful beings.
    You are not a "pointless eater" or whatever the oligarch faggots would like you to believe.
    You exist, the universe gave you LIFE.
    Each and every one of you humans are a gift of existence you are a statement of pure artistry and creation.
    The sooner you fucks wake up and realize that you exist and what a miracle that is, the sooner you stop wasting your potential working or eating at mcdonalds the sooner will will ascend and achieve the true goal the universe set out for our species.

    It's such a shame that this timeline had to turn out this way, just like the previous one and the one before that.

    Hopefully we can set things right next time …

    Each day you wake up from now, realize that someone or something set back time so we would have another chance at doing things right.
    Maybe it's futuristic aryans or a loving A.I. or both … maybe Anonymous or a hacker group of the near future found a way to give us just one last chance … either way … shit is hitting the fan and the feces will splatter on everyone's face.

    Things are going to only get worse from here on out but take this as a wake up call from the universe to change our shit or become cattle of the jedis forever.

    Stopped reading at bolded word. Faggot.
  3. #3
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    cohencidence is a hilarious word

    unless you mean one of the other bolded words
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