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Did you see what GOD just did to us man?!

  1. #1

    So I'm sitting here behind the community center because my back alley spot has too many trucks and people and this old man like 70+ yrs old says "you wanna make $10 bucks?"

    I'm like "what do you need me to do"

    He gets me to look up his sons email address on the internet, gives me his name and says hes either in Colorado or Alaska. I sleuth on google some and find the dudes liquor license on an Alaska registration thing and it has his DOB, Address and telephone # but no email. I even tried messaging him on facebook.

    So i wrote down all i can find and the old man comes out hours later and he checks the DOB i found and is like "damn your good" cuz i found a small business his son owns and got the website URL and his zip code.

    The old guy hands me the $10 and says he used to panhandle and asks why i dont, i said "I just work, thats it". He says "is that a bad word or something" and starts talking about God and Jesus and how the holy ghost took his brain so he can only do so much work (i think he meant he was getting alzhiemers idk) and how he has to support a habit (beer) and im like A MAN NEEDS TO DRINK.

    He says hes going home to get lunch and if im still here he will buy me some food and wants me to show him how to use his new laptop. He asked if im homeless and i said my old house burned down in october and told him its the one with police tape behind the thrift store and food bank.

    He asked what i do on my phone and I said download movies, lol. Hes like "you might as well be talking space travel young man how do you even do that sittin here" Im like "yeah i read about space stations too!!!"

    Then another old guy came out and offered me a smoke and we talked about drug addiction. I said I dont smoke but id love a cig right now, he asked if i smoked weed and i said I enjoy harder substances too and he said "well daily ciggaretes is probably worse anyways i cant quit ive tried 9 times"

    Days like this make me feel christian

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